ObamaCare/Shutdown MiniRoundup

In the tiny time left before the Senate Republican leadership decides just how far they want to sink their knives into backs of conservative hopes, here’s a tiny roundup of ObamaCare- and shutdown-related news.

Also, for the record: Any deal that involves abandoning sequester cuts is cringing, abject surrender and deliberate betrayal of Republican voters.

  • The ObamaCare website is still an unmitigated nightmare.
  • Megan McArdle: And it’s only going to get more screwed.
  • “The electorate is like a diamond, waiting to be cut at exactly the right spot. Ted Cruz pointed the chisel correctly. There is no way to get from here to there except by making a stand against Obamacare. There is no downside, for the Republican Party as presently configured already is a guaranteed loser.”
  • “Turns out Progressives really liked the idea of other people paying for the health insurance of the poor and sick. When it turned out that many of them were those Other People, suddenly it becomes a problem.”
  • A fox is living on the White House grounds, and ‘no one can catch it because of the shutdown.” Or keep squirrels out of the White House kitchen garden. Yeah, right. Because 436 “essential” employees just aren’t enough… (Via Ann Althouse.)
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