Imagine a Highly Insightful Post on the Texas Budget Process Here

The folks at the Texas Public Policy Foundation are cranking up the analysis in advance of next year’s budget fight. So this would be the perfect time to offer up a deep, insightful delve into the labyrinth structure of the Texas state budget process, from the roles of the Legislative Budget Board and the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts all the way to the Governor’s desk, to the intricate details of the biannual and supplemental budget processes. Such a piece would also break down the various revenue streams, from oil and gasses leases, property tax, sales tax and federal grants.

Too damn bad I’m not doing that.

It’s not for lack of material. Just in the last few days, TPPF has produced:

  • A detailed call for greater transparency in the Texas budget (funny how government always seems to spend more (never less) than the legislature actually authorized)
  • A look at what an actual conservative Texas budget would look like; and
  • A real Texas Budget Worksheet, with lots of tiny little rows of historical budget data.
  • But frankly, I’m still recovering from Thanksgiving and have fallen behind on a ton of stuff I need to do (raking leaves, vacuuming, cooking and book cataloging, to name but four), so I’m going to pass on the heavy analytical lifting today, thank you.

    But don’t let me stop you…

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