Austin City Council Punts on Anti-BBQ Ordinance

After a huge outcry over a proposed ordinance to limit BBQ smoke in residential areas, the Austin City Council has decided to punt:

A proposed resolution that could have forced barbecue restaurants in the city of Austin to install smoke scrubbers on their smoke stacks will come before the full city council this summer. That’s what council members approved during Friday’s meeting, after hearing from restaurant owners and neighbors who say the smoke is ruining their quality of life.


The resolution now goes through a stakeholder process, meaning the city will hear from people who have a direct stake in the issue. Then it will go to the economic development and health and human services committees before coming before the full council again. That’s scheduled to happen after July 31.

So they could still kill the golden goose and fulfill Dwight’s longing to see an entire city council tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail. But the delay also gives them time to quietly kill the proposal after realizing how many orders of magnitude more BBQ-eating voters there are than people supporting the ordinance…

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One Response to “Austin City Council Punts on Anti-BBQ Ordinance”

  1. Dwight Brown says:

    i should perhaps revise and extend my remarks.

    I believe it would take two rails to run the current city council out of town.

    (Some men just want to watch the world burn. Especially if they can cook brisket and ribs over it.)

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