“Men Won’t Date Smart Women” Right. Pull the Other One.

So Ann Althouse linked to an article, the gist of which was a dubious study theoretically showed men didn’t like dating smart women.

I’m actually not going to link to the original article, I’m just going to link to the comments page for the article on Althouse’s blog:

  • “The most heartfelt articles written by women are those demanding society rearrange itself so that the writer moves up in the sexual market pecking order.”
  • “Hmm, let’s run a similar study on the effect knowledge of wealth has on perceived attractiveness women report for men. ‘You’re about to meet Chad and afterwards we’ll ask you for some survey data. Oh, Chad’s a millionaire.'”
  • “If you look at the article not from the point of view of someone who is trying to honestly find truth and report it, but from the point of view of a progressive tart who wants to tear down our society this article will make more sense to you. ‘Smart’ college women aren’t being deemed unattractive because they are smart. They are being deemed unattractive because they are pretentious bitches. “
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