Marco Rubio Suspends Presidential Campaign

Better late than never:

Mr. Rubio, 44, was felled by many of the same forces that drove other contenders from the race: a deep anger at the Republican leadership, a level of mistrust among the party’s most motivated voters, a field of candidates splitting up the vote, and an inability to stop Mr. Trump from exploiting all those factors.

But Mr. Rubio also notably lacked what both Mr. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz could boast of: victories in a string of early nominating contests. Mr. Rubio carried only Minnesota, along with Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, sapping his campaign of critical energy and fueling the perception — no matter how hard he tried — that he was incapable of winning the nomination.

He claimed to be the only candidate who could unite the Republican Party, but he could never unite enough voters behind him to persuasively make that case.

It’s either Ted Cruz or Donald Trump. Vote accordingly.

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