Scenes From The Hillary Clinton Dirty Tricks Shop

Hillary Clinton, with her slender elected delegate and huge superdelegates leads over Bernie Sanders, is the presumptive Democratic nominee. She got there in large measure with the fundraising infrastructure her husband built for his successful presidential run, a veritable stranglehold over the DNC apparatus and a naked willingness to pander to just about every faction in the Democratic Party’s coalition.

But there’s also growing evidence that Clinton had another advantage over Sanders: Her willingness to use dirty tricks and outright fraud to secure the nomination.

Here are just a few examples:

  • A Clinton super PAC is spending $1 million on social media Astroturf trolls to “correct” Bernie Sanders supporters. (Now every time someone posts a pro-Hillary message, you should ask “How much are you getting paid to troll for Hillary?”)
  • I wonder if that Astroturf army were among the ones who got numerous pro-Sanders Facebook groups taken down by posting porn? “According to eyewitness reports, the pages were flooded with pornographic images in coordinated fashion and then flagged for obscene content, prompting Facebook to remove them.” Sort of like Nixon’s old “Ratfucking” tactics against George McGovern updated for the Internet age.
  • The Sanders campaign has argued that the “Hillary Victory Fund, a joint-fundraising committee for the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and 32 state Democratic Parties, may have committed ‘breaking campaign finance laws serious apparent violations’ of campaign-finance laws.”
  • There’s at least some circumstantial evidence Democratic Party operatives have been manipulating actual vote totals in various venues to put Hillary on top. Take, for example, these screen shots that show Sanders leading certain counties in this week’s primaries in early returns, with subsequent updates that not only show Hillary leading, but actually show fewer Sanders votes than the last update. Just glitches? Maybe. But it’s mighty strange that every single election night “glitch” in Democratic primaries has seemed to favor Hillary.
  • There are unconfirmed reports that the Clinton campaign is calling up Sanders supporters to tell them Sanders has dropped out. For what it’s worth, these kind of reports seem to surface in every recent presidential election.
  • Don’t think that Hillary’s dirty tricks campaign will end at the primary. Clinton toady and current Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe issued an executive order giving over 200,000 ex-felons the right to vote in a naked attempt to deliver Virginia to Clinton in November.
  • The fact that Clinton would resort to dirty tricks, even going in as they heavy favorite, should surprise absolutely no one who has paid attention to career over the years.

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