When Democrats Refer to “Stakeholders,” They Mean Lobbyists, Not Taxpayers

Terrified of the prospect of congressional Republicans that actually want to cut the budget, Senate Democrats have sent out an emergency distress call to lobbyists:

In an e-mail obtained by ABC News, a top staffer for the key Senate Appropriations subcommittee called for a meeting of lobbyists and interest groups that would be affected by expected cuts to the Labor and Heath and Human Services budget. The Jan. 24 meeting was attended by approximately 400 people, sources told ABC, and served as a “call to arms” for those determined to fight Republican budget cuts.

“One thing everyone should be able to agree on now is that a rising tide lifts all boats, and that a higher [Labor, Health & Human Services] allocation improves the chances for every stakeholder group to receive more funding,” the committee staffer for Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, wrote in an e-mail inviting people to the meeting.

So remember: When Democrats think about “stakeholders,” they mean the lobbyists that wallow up to the trough to feast on giant piles of taxpayer money. Actual taxpayers aren’t their concern…

(Hat tip: Ace of Spades)

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One Response to “When Democrats Refer to “Stakeholders,” They Mean Lobbyists, Not Taxpayers”

  1. Earl Cooley III says:

    When Republicans think about “stakeholders”, they mean hideously evil corporatists who feast upon the less fortunate in society, the blood of the poor dribbling down their doubled chins.

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