Posts Tagged ‘Ivanka Trump’

Spicer Blah Blah Scaramucci Blah Blah Don’t Care

Saturday, July 22nd, 2017

Sean Spicer Resigns Over Trump’s Appointment of Tony Scaramucci As Director of Communications.

Many White House observers thank that you know what, I’m not going to finish that thought because I don’t care.

Don’t. Care.

The media loves to report rumors and gossip of whose in or out among White House staff as a means of undermining Trump. Ivanka is up! Reince is down! Bannon is out!

95+% of it is crap, and the 5% that’s true is utterly useless. Why? Because it’s not actionable.

Let’s say that Ivanka Trump is, as some commentators on the right breathlessly tell us, ascendant and trying to influence Trump policy in a more leftward direction. What good is such knowledge suppose to do me? Am I suppose to speak up so Trump will, what, take my advice over his daughter’s?

Trump is gonna Trump. For good or ill.

I can discuss policy decisions, make the case for those I support and against those I oppose. I have jack all influence over President Trump’s White House staffing decisions, and pretty much the overwhelming majority of the talking heads chattering endlessly about them are in the same boat. It’s elevating empty gossip over discussions of substantive policy in the hopes of damaging Trump’s ability to govern. (See also: Scott Adams noting how “the word chaos is engineered persuasion from someone on the left.”)

I ignore it, and suggest others do the same.

I just hope this doesn’t mean the end of Sean Spicier’s twitter account.