Posts Tagged ‘pneumonia’

How Sick Is Hillary Clinton?

Monday, September 12th, 2016

In case you missed it over the weekend, Hillary Clinton collapsed in pubic.

Here’s the video:

“Her campaign later said that she was overheated and went to rest at her daughter’s apartment. She later came out from the apartment to demonstrate her condition to the media. She did not take questions.”

Yup, nothing at all suspicious there. As Ace of Spades notes: “If someone was unsteady on their feet and needed to be propped up, then buckled and fell, wouldn’t you take that person to the hospital? You would — unless this was a fairly frequent occurrence you had just gotten used to dealing with in-house.”

Team Hillary’s spin is that she just happens to be suffering from a number of completely unrelated health issues that all just happened to occur in a short period of time. The coughing? Allergies. The collapse? That was because she was “overheated.” No, wait, we mean she has pneumonia.

And now she’s cancelled a planned campaign trip to California.

You know what they call someone who suffers a bunch of unrelated illnesses in a short period of time? Sickly. Or just plain sick. If she was a character in a Gothic novel, they’d be asking “Will sickly Mrs. Clinton succumb to the baleful atmosphere of vast, chilly Kickback Manor?”

Here’s a rundown of all Clinton’s numerous recent maladies. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)

Even the mainstream media has been forced to admit that it’s a real issue.

Does Clinton have Parkinson’s Disease? At least one doctor thinks so:

Among the Hillary emails released by Julian Assange was one by an aide (Jake Sullivan, if I remember right) giving her a summary on the effectiveness of a drug called Provigil — a drug often used to combat the mental lapses and lack of focus typical of Parkinson’s sufferers.

The video does have a Zapruderish “back and to the left, back and to the left” quality to it. So be prepared to tighten or loosen your tin foil helmet, per your own comfort level.

Nonetheless, much of it seems plausible.

He explains the freeze in front of the crowd many have discussed at 11:15. He says this is a common Parkinson’s reaction to overstimulous — the brain freezes, and needs a sort of ‘reset” to get going again. He notes that she repeats the words her handler says to her during the freeze, which he claims is a common Parkinson’s symptom, echoing the last thing you heard to get your brain firing regularly again.

He also explains the coughing fits. He says this is not bronchitis. Rather, he claims, Parkinson’s patients frequently have swallowing problems. They accidentally swallow food or liquid into their airways, their lungs. This aspirated food and water then causes pneumonia.

He doesn’t say this, but it can be guessed out: Per his theory, Hillary has had this case of pneumonia for a long time because she keeps getting pneumonia due to this tendency towards aspiration pneumonia.

It should be noted that aspiration pneumonia is a common symptom of Parkinson’s — indeed, it’s the leading cause of death among Parkinson’s sufferers.

Here’s the video Dr. Ted Noel put together:

And here’s that painful extended coughing fit she suffered earlier this month:

That doesn’t sound like “allergies” to me. (Here’s Rush Limbaugh on Hillary’s coughing spasm.)

Here’s more on the possibility Hillary has aspirational pneumonia:

I raise this second possibility because of Hillary’s history of neurological illnesses (blood clot in brain, concussion), hints raised on the internet in Wikileaks documents and by others that she may have a neurological disease like Parkinson’s, and her by now well documented history of recurrent coughing fits. This second possibility is that she has an aspiration pneumonia.

Aspiration pneumonia occurs when fluids and food particles that normally enter the esophagus instead enter the windpipe and lungs. It is commonly seen in neurological conditions like strokes and Parkinson’s disease or similar diseases where the nerves to the swallowing mechanism are not working properly. This is especially worrisome because it is likely to recur given the underlying, usually incurable disease process and because it can be a life-threatening event.

I consider aspiration pneumonia to be the more likely cause because it unifies all the pieces of disparate information that are available on Hillary’s medical condition. A diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia raises profoundly troubling implications for her possible election as president.

Remember Dr. Drew Pinsky expressing concern about her health and how Team Hillary got Google to hide search results on Hillary’s health. (And they’re still doing it. Even today, Google won’t auto complete “Hillary Health,” only “Hillary Health Care.” Of course, it’s a Pyrrhic victory, since the second search autocomplete result is now “hillary clinton seizure.”)

How bad would Clinton’s health have to get for Democrats to consider replacing her? And would it even be legal to do so at this point? (Hat tip: Instapundit.)