Posts Tagged ‘Barrett .50’

Cute Japanese Girls Fire Guns

Monday, August 20th, 2012

(Been under the weather today, so instead of actual news and analysis, you get this.)

Having been to Japan, I can assure you that, despite the many modern similarities between our two countries, there are indeed important differences:

  • Japanese law prohibits its citizens from buying any of the awesome guns the United States manufactures.
  • The United States has a distinct lack of Maid Cafes.
  • Is there anything that can be done to bridge this cultural gap?

    Yes. Yes there is.

    Important safety tip: Never fire more gun than you can handle.

    All those are in Japanese, but we’re really talking universal languages here.

    Tomorrow: Content that looks a lot less like the sort of video you could order from one of the ads in back of Soldier of Fortune magazine circa 1985…

    (Hat tip: Ace of Spades.)