Posts Tagged ‘Bombing’

More Plano Bomber Tidbits: Occupy Wall Street Related?

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

A few more details are dribbling out about the alleged Plano gas pipeline bomber.

Among the most interesting:

  1. “Neighbors also said the son who lives there is often out and about and doesn’t seem to hold down a job.”
  2. “They said he typically carried a backpack with him.”
  3. “One neighbor told News 8 the son seemed to change over the last couple of years. He said his neighbor started running at night, saying he ‘was in training.’ That same neighbor said the young man lived a minimalistic life, saying he was against modern technology, but would then talk about spending hours on his computer.”

No job, backpack, hates technology. Let’s see: Who does that description fit?

Is it too soon to guess at an Occupy Wall Street connection? Probably. There’s only a few shreds of evidence. And yet, want to guess what the most recent concern on the Occupy Dallas website was?

Would you believe “Protecting our Community from Gas Drilling”? Indeed it seems to be a continuing concern.

Certainly other Occupy [Place Name Here] factions have been indicted in bomb plots. And as for the bomb detonating prematurely and injuring the bomb maker, well, let’s just say that such incidents are hardly unknown among the radical left.

This is all very speculative and tentative, and the bomber could still be a lone nut. But at least the Occupy Dallas connection would explain the bomber’s motivation.

New York Times “80 Dead” Number in Oslo Shooting Almost Certainly Wrong

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

The New York Times is reporting 80 dead in the shooting spree attributed to Anders Behring Breivik. That’s almost certainly a mistranslation or a wild exaggeration. While theoretically possible, it would make him not only far and away the most deadly “active shooter” ever, but the death toll for his victims would be higher than that of Texas Tower Sniper Charles Whitman, Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho and Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold combined.

I’m not buying it.

Norway Shooter Anders Behring Breivik is a…What?

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

Norwegian police are fingering Anders Behring Breivik as the bomber/shooter. Some are saying he’s a Right Wing Extremist (though what that means in a Norwegian context I’m not clear on). Some are saying that he’s a Norwegian Christian Conservative (which ruins my idea that he may be a fan of Norwegian Black Metal), and even a Freemason. What a blast from the past if that’s true. The conspiracy theory nuts are going to have to start dusting off their old Albert Pike and C. W. Leadbeater books. Next we’re going to hear that Breivik is a Jew, a Reptoid, and a member of both Opus Dei and the Trilateral Commission.

But right now, despite Ansar al-Islam’s claim of responsibility and past Jihadest attempts in Norway, I’m not seeing anyone claim that Breivik is a convert to Islam.

Oslo Bombing Update: 7 Dead, Ansar al-Jihad Takes Responsibility, More Shot at Youth Camp

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

So it was Ansar al-Jihad, as predicted by Jihadwatch.

Now at least four more appear to be at a most-likely related shooting at a Youth camp.

Remember, the only thing unusual about the Norway attacks is the location. Islamic terrorism kills this many people in other places around the globe pretty much every single day.