Posts Tagged ‘deficits’

Socialism Works Its Usual Magic In Spain

Sunday, February 21st, 2010

You may have heard about how Greece is fuxored thanks to a combination of high taxes, stagnant economy, restrictive job rules, and widespread tax evasion. Indeed, the sins of the Greeks may be enough to bring the Euro crashing down. It may come down to that, or else getting a bailout from an already-resentful Germany.

Somewhat less reported is the fact that the other members of Europe’s PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain) aren’t doing a whole lot better.

In particular, Socialist Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero seems to have worked socialism’s usual magic on Spain’s economy:

Spain now has the highest unemployment rate in the European Union. Nearly 20 percent of working-age Spaniards (or 4.5 million people) were without a job at the beginning of 2010. That compares with an average rate of 10 percent among the 16 countries that use the euro currency.

Spain is also facing an exploding budget deficit. The collapse of the labor market, which has resulted in a steep drop in tax collections, and the Zapatero government’s haphazard (and spendthrift) policy response of increasing unproductive public sector spending skyrocketed the deficit to nearly 12 percent of GDP in 2009 (or five times higher than in 2008).

The combination of negative GDP growth, rising unemployment, and a high deficit has raised concerns about the sustainability of Spain’s finances.

Hmmm: High unemployment, out-of-control spending, a huge budget deficit. Where have I heard that before?

In response to Spain’s economic crises, Zapatero has admitted that his socialist policies were a mistake, and set out a platform for lowering taxes, cutting the budget, an monetary reform.

Ha! Just kidding! He’s ordered Spain’s secret service to hunt for “Anglo-Saxon conspirators” as the cause of Spain’s problems. It’s always easier to scapegoat America than make hard choices, or face the consequences of your own failure.

At this point, I don’t it’s a question of if the Euro will crack, but rather when. Despite Obama’s mismanagement, the basic U.S. economy is still a lot more resilient and flexible than Europe’s. Europe has huge demographic problems combined with an unsustainable welfare state. Combine that with the the anti-democratic elites in Brussels, plus the fact that certain number of nations (the PIGS, certainly, but not limited to them) that are playing fast a loose with the EU’s deficit guidelines, and the chances are good that the Euro will crack sooner rather than later.

And the fallout from that isn’t going to be pretty for the U.S. economy either.

$12.2 Billion Profit = Big Bucks, But $6 Trillion for ObamaCare = Chump Change

Friday, February 19th, 2010

Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said that “insurance company profits are ‘way over anybody’s estimates.’ She said the five largest U.S. insurers took in combined profits of $12.2 billion in 2009, 56 percent higher than in 2008.”

Whoa, slow down there Kathy! Are you trying to tell me that five multi-billion dollar companies managed to make almost $2.5 billion each in profits in a single year? Shock! Outrage!

By way of comparison, Apple Inc. earned slightly over $8.2 billion dollars in net profit all by itself in it’s 2009 Fiscal Year, yet I haven’t heard liberals citing that as cause for nationalizing the computer industry. (OK, recently.)

For another point of comparison, those health care profits may be as little as one tenth the total cost of bailing out GM and Chrysler.

What, pray tell, do Obama and Sebelius think are “acceptable” levels of profit would be for those five companies?

This is supposed to be a supporting point in the quest to nationalize 1/6th of the American economy? Not to mention that the true government cost of ObamaCare is estimated to top 6 trillion dollars.

Compared to the total costs for ObamaCare, health insurance company profits are a rounding error.

Recessions are for the Little People

Monday, December 14th, 2009

During the recession, government employees have had to make serious cutba–ha, ha, oh sorry, I could even keep a straight face while typing that. They’ve made out like bandits:

  • “Federal employees making salaries of $100,000 or more jumped from 14% to 19% of civil servants during the recession’s first 18 months — and that’s before overtime pay and bonuses are counted.”
  • 2008: there was only “one career federal worker making an annual salary of $170,000 or more at the U.S. Department of Transportation when the current recession began. Today, 18 months later, there are more than 1,600 career employees making that much.”
  • “In the first six months of the year, the federal government was adding 10,000 jobs per month, and over the recession had grown the ranks of bureaucrats by 9.8 percent. The private sector, during that same period, shed 7.3 million jobs.”
  • “The $448 billion appropriations bill approved last week by the House contained more than 5,000 earmarks, many of which will ultimately benefit the favored few rather than the suffering many.”

And just think of the additional billions they’ll be able to rake in for cap-and-trade and ObamaCare…

ObamaCare To Cost $6 Trillion

Monday, November 30th, 2009

That’s the sort of money that would get even Dr. Evil’s attention.