Posts Tagged ‘Football’

LinkSwarm for October 24, 2013

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

Monday’s was late, this one is early:

  • “A lot of conservatives are angry at the GOP too. They want a Republican Party willing to fight.”
  • “What Ted Cruz did – and what the go-along, get-along gang of Republican stegosauruses hate – is that he fought. He fought.


    This was really about the war between the growing conservative majority in the GOP and the dying GOP establishment minority.

    It’s a war that must be fought, and which we should welcome. And it’s a war we conservatives will win.

    The party has changed from the bottom up in the last decade. Those at the top of the pyramid are finally realizing that they and the base below are out of synch. The GOP establishment was very, very happy to support the pre-Obama consensus that government would grow and that the Republicans would campaign against it at home then let it expand unhindered in D.C. The problem – in the eyes of the establishment – is that the newly conservative GOP base, energized and activated by Obama’s radicalism, actually wants to shrink the government.

    We’re serious. That’s the problem. And with the unblinking eye of the social media upon them, they can’t fake it anymore.

  • An awful lot of ObamaCare pricing information exposed (via Ace of Spades and Jammie Wearing Fool).
  • All the lying shills of ObamaCare.
  • Thousands get insurance cancellation notices due to ObamaCare.
  • Death panels come to the Great White North.
  • The UK’s NHS already has death panels. And they pay doctors to let you die.. “I could keep you alive. Or I could pocket this splendid £50. Decisions, decisions.”
  • Who knew there were so many black farmers in Chicago?
  • In Virginia, Nurse Bloomberg is backing gun-grabber Terry McAuliffe to the tune of $1.1 million. Let’s hope his spending is every bit as effective as it was in Colorado…
  • China is killing our pets again.
  • “How dare Dan Snyder disagree with something that the left didn’t care about five minutes ago? How dare he?”
  • The Market Pays What the Market Will Bear: Super Bowl Edition

    Sunday, February 5th, 2012

    Over on Facebook, a lot of people have their knickers in a knot over this picture of Super Bowl parking rates from WTHR:

    The irony is that most of the people who are shocked, shocked at expensive pricing for Super Bowl parking are the same people who were caterwauling a few months ago about how it was unfair that the 1% had so much money. Well, guess what folks? The vast majority of people who can afford to attend the Super Bowl in the first place are among the 1%, or within spitting distance of it, So on the one day when local businesses can make a killing rooking Mr. Big Shot 1% because he wants to park his Ferrari or Escalade within walking distance, you get all outraged over “price gouging.” I guess because someone’s actually making a profit off Mr. 1% rather than the government stealing it from him to pay off the debt from your Masters in Women’s Studies.

    A parking space has no “intrinsic value.” It’s worth whatever people will pay for it. (And while we’re on the subject Marx’s Labor Theory of Value is bunk. Just in case you hadn’t figured that out yet.) Why should you care that a guy who’s already paid $1,200 for tickets has to cough up another $200 for parking? No one’s forcing Mr. 1% to park there. The market pays what the market will bear.

    If Obama is the Democratic Party’s quarterback…

    Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

    …then right now his passer rating is a couple of points better than JaMarcus Russell.

    Three Cheers for Aggieland

    Thursday, November 5th, 2009

    I’m a UT graduate, and I follow football. (I know, “rooting for laundry.”) Here in Texas, the UT Longhorns have a friendly rivalry with the Texas A&M Aggies (“friendly” in the sense of “no recent homicides on record” and “rivalry” in the sense that the Longhorns won a National Championship in 2006, while A&M’s biggest post-season accomplishment this decade was winning the last Bowl in 2001).

    However, today this Longhorn fan would like to offer up three cheers to the stalwart denizens of Aggieland for voting down redlight cameras. Study after study has shown red light cameras actually increase accidents, and merely exist as a way of extracting yet more money from taxpayers, and to line the pockets of the companies that sell and run them. (And, as always when money and politics are combined, one hand washes the other.) Good riddance to a bad idea, and hopefully more Texas municipalities (Round Rock, I’m looking in your direction) will follow suit.

    As for Aggie football returning to its glory days, well…A&M is currently 5-3, and should be favored against Baylor and Colorado, so a sweet berth in the Texas Bowl (the successor to the Bowl) is well within reach…