Posts Tagged ‘health care’

Dr. Atkins Vindicated

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

For years, the federal government, doctors and nutritionists have treated dietary fat as Public Enemy #1, despite scanty science of a link between fat intake and obesity. Meanwhile, the same people were talking up carbohydrates as a perfectly healthy food choice at the same time when, by an amazing coincidence, Uncle Sam was dishing up tens of billions of dollars in corn and grain agribusiness subsidies.In effect, saying no to meat and fat meant saying yes to high fructose corn syrup.

So a significant portion of Americans start cutting back on fat and loading up the carbs. Then, a little while later, that ungrateful little heretic, Dr. Robert Atkins, has the insolence to point out “Hey, obesity is up, not down, and diabetes is going through the roof. Maybe fat isn’t evil, and maybe too many carbohydrates can make you fat.” The condemnation of the Government Medical Complex was swift and merciless, and only increased in vitriol when he came out with a diet that actually helped people lose weight.

Now comes word that it’s all been one big fat lie. (Preceding pun blatantly stolen from Gary Taubes’ ground-breaking New York Times Atkins story from 2002.) Very large and rigorous scientific studies increasing show no link between dietary fat and obesity.

But don’t expect a significant change in federal government diet guidelines anytime soon, since the Atkins diet is still politically incorrect among the “meat is evil” religious environmentalist crowd, which make up a disproportionate share of our ruling elite. Big government means never having to admit you were wrong…

ObamaCare To Cost $6 Trillion

Monday, November 30th, 2009

That’s the sort of money that would get even Dr. Evil’s attention.

ObamaCare Update 11/8/09

Sunday, November 8th, 2009

Here’s a quick roundup of ObamaCare news and views from over the weekend:

  • Pelosi’s version of ObamaCare passes the house…barely.
  • Jobs? Who needs them? “The promise of health care reform was not what got Democrats elected. Voters tossed Republicans on their fannies for ruining the economy, not because they didn’t enact wildly expensive social programs….Democrats have learned nothing from history. During the Great Depression, each time the economy showed a spark, President Franklin Roosevelt snuffed it out with another tax increase or regulatory burden.”
  • Blue Dog Democrats who voted for ObamaCare.
  • Analysis of the ObamaCare bill passed by the Hosue: “The King James version of the Bible runs more than 600 pages and is crammed with celestial regulations. Newton’s Principia Mathematica distilled many of the rules of physics in a mere 974 pages. Neither have anything on Nancy Pelosi’s new fiendishly entertaining health-care opus, which tops 1,900 pages…. the word “regulation” appears 181 times. “Tax” is there 214 times. “Fees,” 103 times. As we all know, nothing says “affordability” like higher taxes and fees. The word “shall” – as in “must” or “required to” – appears over 3,000 times.”
  • Interesting (and lengthy) essay suggesting that maybe calling every person who protests ObamaCare or bigger government a racist isn’t a smart move on the part of liberals.
  • NRO’s Critical Condition: Democrats hope for passage of ObamaCare “largely hinge on successfully hiding two plain facts from the voters: One, the House Republicans and the Congressional Budget Office have now shown that a bill costing $61 billion can lower Americans’ insurance premiums, while bills costing $1.7 trillion cannot (and instead would raise them substantially). Two, the Democrats’ plans would be paid for only if they follow through on plans to siphon hundreds of billions of dollars out of already-barely-solvent Medicare, and to do so just in time for the baby boomers’ retirement. ”

On to the Senate…

ObamaCare Update 11/6/09

Friday, November 6th, 2009

Another roundup on ObamaCare, with a focus on Pelosi’s hellbound determination to bring it up for a vote on Saturday:

(Hat tips to the indefatigable Instapundit and NRO’s Condition Critical blog on ObamaCare.)

ObamaCare Daily Roundup

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

Well, let’s see what’s been going on in the world of ObamaCare:

  • 10,000 rally in DC against ObamaCare.
  • Charles Krauthammer: “If you are a conservative Democrat and you see the great swing between ’08 and ’09, you know that this idea that you can ride the coattails of Obama — [that] there was a great realignment last year — is false, and they are now extremely exposed.”
  • Dick Morris and Eileen McGann are even blunter: “Are the elections of 2009 precursors of the same kind of massive partisan upheaval in Congress that we experienced in 1994? The historical data says yes, they are….For the House to pass Obama’s healthcare bill five days after so huge a repudiation of the Democratic Party and its program is breathtaking in its arrogance. Voters all over America will get the point: The congressional Democrats don’t give a damn what the voters think.”
  • Karl Rove also sees the results as disasterous for Democrats: “Tuesday’s elections should put a scare into red state Democrats—and a few blue state ones, too….Looking ahead, the bad news for Democrats is that the legislation that helped lead to the collapse of support for their party on Tuesday could yet inflict more pain on those foolish enough to support it. The health-care bill House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to vote on this week could sink an entire fleet of Democratic boats in 2010….Tuesday’s results were the first sign that voters are revolting against runaway spending and government expansion. But Democrat likely ain’t seen nothin’ yet if they try to ram through health-care reform.”
  • Displaying her keen, Zapp Brannigan-esque sense of strategy and timing, Nancy Pelosi cries “Onward into the machine gun fire!”
  • But she’d rather see it fail than give up taxpayer funding for abortion.
  • The Reid and Pelosi bills are going to cost more than projected. A whole lot more.
  • The Heritage Foundation takes a gander at Pelosi’s version of ObamaCare and finds it lays out the foundation for a “complete government take over of the health care sector of our economy.”

  • The Wall Street Journal calls it “Worst. Bill. Ever.” (Actually, they just say worst since the New Deal; after all, the infamy isn’t quite the same as the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. However, as bad as it is, I’m not sure the results of ObamaCare be quite as baleful as the Economic Opportunity Act enacted as part of LBJ’s Great Society programs that helped bring up us intergenerational welfare dependency and the destruction of the black family structure in America.)

  • Shockingly, there is a health care reform plan that the Congressional Budget Office says will reduce premiums and cut deficits. So when does that one get a vote? Answer: Never. That’s the Republican plan

(Hat tips to Instapundit, Real Clear Politics, and The Corner, among others…)