Posts Tagged ‘Hillary Clinton Health’

A Big Basket of Presidential Race Updates

Thursday, September 15th, 2016

Too much news and not enough time to blog about it, so enjoy a big ol dump of presidential race news:

  • Donald Trump up three in Florida, five in Ohio.
  • Former Secret Service agent says there’s something seriously wrong with Hillary’s health.
  • Jonah Goldberg on what Hillary’s health issue tells us about the media:

    As this pneumonia episode demonstrates, Clinton’s real problem isn’t her health but the entirely valid perception that she’s dishonest, secretive and exploits “the system” — including the support of the mainstream media — for her benefit.

    In 2008, news outlets openly speculated about whether Sen. John McCain was too frail to be president. NBC News ran an Associated Press story under the headline, “1 in 4 chance McCain may not survive 2nd term.”

    People remember these things. When Clinton faltered on Sunday, she not only humiliated her most loyal servants, who were kept in the dark by a campaign terrified of playing it straight with voters and the media, she also made countless people say, “Looks like Drudge was right again.”

  • Reporting on Hillary’s collapse means that I never had a chance to talk about her “basket of deplorables” comment, where she went full Social Justice Warrior and said that one-quarter of America is “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic.”
  • 50 Disgusting Hillary Facts Legacy Media are Hiding From You.”
  • More Guccifer 2.0 docs. Haven’t really looked at those yet either.
  • Oh, and Colin Powell’s email also got hacked, leading to the least surprising political revelation ever: Hillary Clinton still hates Obama. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • Also, CBS News “run by Obama advisor Ben Rhodes’ brother, censors Powell’s accusation that Clinton is still ‘d***king bimbos,’ after editing Bill’s Monday admission that his wife ‘frequently’ suffers from fainting spells.”
  • A random Slashdot comment nails it:

    The most racist thing out there, is the whole DNC platform that expects black people to continue to vote DNC candidates, without so much as even pandering, simply by tossing out the race card over every little thing.

    It is obvious that crying Racism is the ONLY thing left the Democrats have with respect to Hillary’s campaign. And that is, by itself racist. And the black community is starting to wake up to the pure racism of low expectations that the DNC has of them.

    Can’t have voter ID laws, because the DNC says Black people can’t figure out how to get a free voter ID. But that isn’t racist.

    Can’t have single day voting, because DNC says Black People can’t figure out how to fill out an absentee ballot or get to the polls on time. But that isn’t racist.

    IF you simply look at the excuses being made on behalf of black people, they are all telling black people that they are incapable of doing normal activities, simply because … they are black.And I find that extremely distasteful and as fucking racist as anything.

    Black people aren’t as stupid, lazy, incapable as the DNC is making them out to be. But I am a racist for pointing out how stupid the DNC position is for these people.

  • How two trolls suckered the media into believing that a random frog meme was a racist symbol.
  • And hats off to whichever 4Channer did this one:

    Plus a bonus meme for your time:


  • This Week in Clinton Corruption for September 13, 2016

    Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

    Yesterday was devoted to lies about Hillary Clinton’s obvious ill health (and her team’s blatant lying about it). Today is all about Clinton’s corruption.

    You mean you’d pick on a sick old woman?

    In this case: absolutely!

  • Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions.”

    When Ortel tried to match up the Clinton Foundation’s tax filings with the disclosure reports from its major donors, he said he started to find problems. That includes records from the foundation’s many offshoots—including the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Clinton Global Initiative—as well as its foreign subsidiaries.

    “I decided it would be fun to cross-check what their donors thought they did when they donated to the Clinton Foundation, and that’s when I got really irritated,” he said. “There are massive discrepancies between what some of the major donors say they gave to the Clinton Foundation to do, and what the Clinton Foundation said what they got from the donors and what they did with it.”

    As previously reported, last year the Clinton Foundation was forced to issue corrected tax filings for several years to correct donation errors. But Ortel said many of the discrepancies remain. “I’m against charity fraud. I think people in both parties are against charity fraud, and this is a charity fraud,” he said.

    To be sure, Ortel’s efforts were to be commended: digging through the foundation’s numbers can not have been easy, considering that the nation’s most influential charity watchdog put the Clinton Foundation on its “watch list” of problematic nonprofits in 2015. Furthermore, the Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid. That’s because the organization spent the vast bulk of its windfall on “administration, travel, salaries and bonuses”, with the fattest payouts going to family friends.

  • More: “An educated guess, based upon ongoing analysis of the public record begun in February 2015, is that the Clinton Foundation entities are part of a network that has defrauded donors and created illegal private gains of approximately $100 billion in combined magnitude, and possibly more, since 23 October 1997.”
  • How did Clinton toady Sydney Blumenthal get his hands on top secret NSA reports less than 24 hours after they were presented? (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • Hillary’s lackeys went on an email deletion spree after the subpoenas were issued.
  • Trump: “People who have nothing to hide don’t smash phones.” (Hat tip: Director Blue)
  • Clinton Foundation officials repeatedly skirted or ignored federal laws and regulations while converting the non-profit from its tax-exempt purpose of building a presidential library in Little Rock, Arkansas, into a $2 billion global machine selling political influence and access on an unprecedented scale, according to documents reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.”
  • FBI managers instructed to exonerate Hillary Clinton.”
  • If you want to restore the rule of law, you need to vote for Trump.
  • “‘Crooked Hillary’ nickname isn’t going away.”
  • ”A Hillary Clinton presidency is Russian Roulette with a semi-auto. With Trump, at least you can spin the cylinder and take your chances.”
  • Matt Lauer criticized for not being sufficiently deferential to Queen Hillary.
  • “A media organization demanding that other media organizations stop reporting on an obviously newsworthy story, exactly because it’s hurting the liberal Democratic criminal they favor.”
  • Obama’s Justice Department seems to be keen on giving Clinton’s IT people immunity…and then doing nothing with the information.
  • Random Slashdot comment on how in-the-tank for Hillary (and hypocrisy) “Public Citizen” is: “That’s right: a 501(c)(4) corporation made a movie with the express political purpose of protesting the Supreme Court decision that a 501(c)(4) corporation could make a movie with an express political purpose!”
  • A pre-collapse Hillary, enjoying smaller than expected crowds, walls off portion of room to give illusion of fullness.
  • What happens if Hillary drops out? However, I don’t think the DNC would actually try to foist Chelsea off on us as the Democratic candidate, for a host reasons too extensive to explicate here.
  • More on the same theme. Also, hats off to the New York Post graphics department for this:

    (Hat tip: Instapundit.)

  • “The media elites are in a panic. They witnessed the meltdown of their candidate in broad daylight and can feel that shiver up their spine — except that this time, it is not the delight of victory they are feeling, but the dread of defeat.”
  • And as a bonus, here are a few more links about Hillary’s obvious ill-health:

  • “The most charitable reading of this timeline is that her campaign — presumably with the blessing and perhaps insistence of the candidate — fully intended to keep her illness a secret from the public. Let’s be clear about what this means: Her campaign intended to lie.” (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • They even avoided the ER just to conceal her medical treatment from the public.
  • Today’s spin on the why of the lie: It’s all her staff’s fault.
  • Clinton News Network is gonna Clinton News Network. (Hat tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)
  • Longtime Huffington Post writer fired for questioning Hillary’s health vindicated. “It turns out Dr. Drew and I lost our media perches for simply sharing incontrovertible truth, which I knew at the time: Hillary Clinton’s health is not just bad. It’s not just allergies. Hillary Clinton’s health is horrific.” (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • How Sick Is Hillary Clinton?

    Monday, September 12th, 2016

    In case you missed it over the weekend, Hillary Clinton collapsed in pubic.

    Here’s the video:

    “Her campaign later said that she was overheated and went to rest at her daughter’s apartment. She later came out from the apartment to demonstrate her condition to the media. She did not take questions.”

    Yup, nothing at all suspicious there. As Ace of Spades notes: “If someone was unsteady on their feet and needed to be propped up, then buckled and fell, wouldn’t you take that person to the hospital? You would — unless this was a fairly frequent occurrence you had just gotten used to dealing with in-house.”

    Team Hillary’s spin is that she just happens to be suffering from a number of completely unrelated health issues that all just happened to occur in a short period of time. The coughing? Allergies. The collapse? That was because she was “overheated.” No, wait, we mean she has pneumonia.

    And now she’s cancelled a planned campaign trip to California.

    You know what they call someone who suffers a bunch of unrelated illnesses in a short period of time? Sickly. Or just plain sick. If she was a character in a Gothic novel, they’d be asking “Will sickly Mrs. Clinton succumb to the baleful atmosphere of vast, chilly Kickback Manor?”

    Here’s a rundown of all Clinton’s numerous recent maladies. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)

    Even the mainstream media has been forced to admit that it’s a real issue.

    Does Clinton have Parkinson’s Disease? At least one doctor thinks so:

    Among the Hillary emails released by Julian Assange was one by an aide (Jake Sullivan, if I remember right) giving her a summary on the effectiveness of a drug called Provigil — a drug often used to combat the mental lapses and lack of focus typical of Parkinson’s sufferers.

    The video does have a Zapruderish “back and to the left, back and to the left” quality to it. So be prepared to tighten or loosen your tin foil helmet, per your own comfort level.

    Nonetheless, much of it seems plausible.

    He explains the freeze in front of the crowd many have discussed at 11:15. He says this is a common Parkinson’s reaction to overstimulous — the brain freezes, and needs a sort of ‘reset” to get going again. He notes that she repeats the words her handler says to her during the freeze, which he claims is a common Parkinson’s symptom, echoing the last thing you heard to get your brain firing regularly again.

    He also explains the coughing fits. He says this is not bronchitis. Rather, he claims, Parkinson’s patients frequently have swallowing problems. They accidentally swallow food or liquid into their airways, their lungs. This aspirated food and water then causes pneumonia.

    He doesn’t say this, but it can be guessed out: Per his theory, Hillary has had this case of pneumonia for a long time because she keeps getting pneumonia due to this tendency towards aspiration pneumonia.

    It should be noted that aspiration pneumonia is a common symptom of Parkinson’s — indeed, it’s the leading cause of death among Parkinson’s sufferers.

    Here’s the video Dr. Ted Noel put together:

    And here’s that painful extended coughing fit she suffered earlier this month:

    That doesn’t sound like “allergies” to me. (Here’s Rush Limbaugh on Hillary’s coughing spasm.)

    Here’s more on the possibility Hillary has aspirational pneumonia:

    I raise this second possibility because of Hillary’s history of neurological illnesses (blood clot in brain, concussion), hints raised on the internet in Wikileaks documents and by others that she may have a neurological disease like Parkinson’s, and her by now well documented history of recurrent coughing fits. This second possibility is that she has an aspiration pneumonia.

    Aspiration pneumonia occurs when fluids and food particles that normally enter the esophagus instead enter the windpipe and lungs. It is commonly seen in neurological conditions like strokes and Parkinson’s disease or similar diseases where the nerves to the swallowing mechanism are not working properly. This is especially worrisome because it is likely to recur given the underlying, usually incurable disease process and because it can be a life-threatening event.

    I consider aspiration pneumonia to be the more likely cause because it unifies all the pieces of disparate information that are available on Hillary’s medical condition. A diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia raises profoundly troubling implications for her possible election as president.

    Remember Dr. Drew Pinsky expressing concern about her health and how Team Hillary got Google to hide search results on Hillary’s health. (And they’re still doing it. Even today, Google won’t auto complete “Hillary Health,” only “Hillary Health Care.” Of course, it’s a Pyrrhic victory, since the second search autocomplete result is now “hillary clinton seizure.”)

    How bad would Clinton’s health have to get for Democrats to consider replacing her? And would it even be legal to do so at this point? (Hat tip: Instapundit.)