Posts Tagged ‘Neil Gorsuch’

Trump Nominates Gorsuch

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017

President Trump has just nominated Neil Gorsuch to the vacancy on the Supreme Court left by the death of Antonin Scalia last year.

President Trump gave a very brief, concise speech in announcing Gorsuch (Trump announced his pick less than two minutes into his speech, at the point where Obama would still be saying “Let me be clear”) and praising the life and legacy of Scalia, including introducing his widow Maureen in the audience. He noted that Gorsuch was approved unanimously to the Tenth Circuit court.

Gorsuch gave a very polished speech about the influence the judges he had clerked for had on his life.

Trump concluded by asking both Democrats and Republicans to come together and approve him.

It was a very solid, brief and substantive announcement, President Trump’s first.

Powerline offers a very approving look at Gorsuch and his jurisprudence.