Posts Tagged ‘NSA’

FISA/NSA/PRISM/IRS/Etc. Midday Obama Scandal Roundup for June 7, 2013

Friday, June 7th, 2013

The torrent of Obama scandal information is flooding the news is something to behold. In contrast to the tiny drops of Benghazi information the MSM would begrudgingly dole out last year, every day seems to bring a new outrage about how the Obama Administration is trampling on the rights of American citizens. I wish they would put 1/10th the effort of snooping on innocent Americans into tracking and deporting illegal aliens as required by law.

Some links:

  • How PRISM works, using the NSA’s own slides.
  • How the NSA lies with numbers. “We only issued 1,789 requests for warrentless wiretaps last year…that just happened to cover every phone and data provider in America.” Plus that number was just 21 in 2009.

  • NSA’s Verizon request targeted Americans, not foreigners. “This is [an] indiscriminate dragnet. Say what you will about warrantless wiretapping, at least it was targeted at agents of Al Qaeda. This includes every customer of Verizon Business Services.”
  • “And when we swear up and down, cross our hearts and hope to die, that the NSA does no domestic spying on Americans, what we actually mean is that there’s an awful lot of it.”
  • So why does #NSA’s #PRISM use the Dark Side of the Moon logo? “All that you touch, all that you see…”

    The eye-on-the-pyramid scheme came from the Great Seal of the United States – it’s on the back of the dollar bill – and is still beloved of conspiracy theorists all over the world. It’s meant to be the all-seeing eye of God, but it’s also commonly associated with freemasonry, the occult and a shadowy New World order presided over by the Illuminati. To deploy it in a logo for a creepy-sounding spy agency simply justifies the paranoia of people who think the world is run by lizard-shaped aliens. David Icke’s next podcast will write itself.

  • The IRS political timeline.
  • The New York Times softens its editorial on Obama within hours of publishing it. Bet they never did that for an editorial critical of Bush…
  • The NSA scandal has even hit the sports pages: “LeBron James and his friends should be worried right now, and not just because the government is tracking their phone calls.”
  • The ACLU is shocked, SHOCKED that Obama is reading your email.
  • Hat tips: Ace, Insta, others.