Posts Tagged ‘Scott Adams’

LinkSwarm for September 23, 2016

Friday, September 23rd, 2016

Yesterday I had to go through a “spite password reset” for Twitter in the wake of the Instapundit banning and unbanning. I’m sure it had something to do with Twitter’s ongoing attempt to drive all non-liberal thought off the platform. This may have been the Tweet that did the trick:

This may be why so many conservatives are talking about moving to Gab.

Believe it or not, there is just a tiny bit of non-Twitter news going on:

  • So many people are talking about this angry, shrill, shouty Hillary Clinton video that I’m not going to put it off to the next Clinton Corruption Update:

    When Donald Trump gets angry, he seems to get angry about things happening to America. When Clinton gets angry, she gets angry about what’s happening to her personally, because of the things she believes she’s entitled to (popularity, the presidency) being denied her. She comes off as shrill and unhinged.

  • Federal Judges gives State Department five days to cough up Hillary’s records.
  • Scott Adams. “There is still some mystery about how large the margin will be, but Trump is already the President of the United States unless something big happens in the next few weeks.”
  • Trump 44%, Clinton 39%, Johnson 8%, Stein 2%.
  • “Swedish police are losing the battle against increasing levels crime and violence in the country as now 55 areas have been labelled as ‘no-go’ zones.” Also, three police officers a day quit and 90% are considering changing professions. (Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)
  • Missed this from last week: Deutsch Bank fined $14 billion for financial shenanigans in the lead up to the 2008 financial crisis.
  • This just in: Anthony Weiner is a pervert. “The disgraced former congressman sexted a 15-year-old high school girl for months, allegedly writing her lewd messages and sending her shirtless pics of himself, according to a report Wednesday…Weiner tried to get her engaging in ‘rape fantasies.'”
  • Illegal alien who complained about Trump’s comments on Mexican rapists arrested for rape. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • Crazy feminist publically shames her suicidal son for having non-feminist thoughts about “rape culture.” You know, the largely imaginary, non-Anthony Weiner, non-illegal alien rapist kind…
  • Speaking of Twitter, did you know they were blocking people from posting links to Vox Day’s blog? I confirmed this by trying to Tweet a link and having it fail.
  • Hillary Health Watch: What’s the deal with her eyes? “Her eyes did not always move in the same direction at the same time. It appears that she has a problem with her left sixth cranial nerve. That nerve serves only one function and that is to make the lateral rectus muscle contract. That muscle turns the eye in the direction away from the midline.” (Hat tip: Ed Driscoll at Instpundit.)
  • Who has Clinton lined up to headline a fundraiser? Think No Talent Ass-Clown. (Hat tip: The Other McCain.)
  • Scott Adams Explaining Trump on Bill Maher

    Monday, May 30th, 2016

    There are a lot of good, somber Memorial Day posts around the blogsphere today. I don’t think I have anything profound to say on that topic that hasn’t already been said far better by others, so by way of counter-programming, here’s Scott Adams on Bill Maher explaining just how Donald Trump’s persuasion techniques work, and why Hillary sucks so hard as a candidate.

    LinkSwarm for May 2, 2016

    Monday, May 2nd, 2016

    I expected to spend the weekend at the Levitation Music Festival here in Austin, but it got cancelled when it looked like t was going to be rained out. However, I did see a makeup show by Slowdive, which was the biggest reason I was attending anyway.

  • Scott Adams: “I give Clinton a 50% chance of making it to November with sufficiently good health to be considered a viable president.”
  • Hillary wants to make it illegal to criticize her.
  • Indiana governor Mike Pence endorses Ted Cruz.
  • Once again, Team Cruz wins the delegate selection fight, this time in Arizona, Missouri and Virginia.
  • Latest poll has Trump and Clinton tied.
  • Trump isn’t fighting the establishment, he’s part of it. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • It’s good for the sake of the world that Islamic State fighters are no-talent assclowns. Maybe they should have drilled them more on military tactics than reciting the Koran. See how many basic military squad function mistakes you can count them making in this video.
  • Obama releases Islamic terrorist who helped attack the USS Cole. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • How progressives embraced eugenics with the same fervor they embrace global warming today. (Hat tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)
  • Waco biker fight update, including various (inconclusive) videos.
  • “More than two decades ago, we heard the ‘misplaced fears’ and predictions of shootouts in the streets of Texas because of the CHL law. It didn’t happen — and it won’t happen because of SB 11, either.”
  • Abortion clinics are closing in blue states as well.
  • Rabid Puppies dominate the Hugo nominations again. The science fiction establishment was given the opportunity to address Sad Puppies concerns, but instead they continued to doubled down by backing the Social Justice Warriors at every turn. This has turned Sad Puppy voters into Rabid Puppy voters. The 2015 Hugos: “There are problems, but Vox Day is an odious troll.” The 2016 Hugos: “You know what? Fuck them. They deserve Vox Day.”
  • Microsoft gonna Microsoft.
  • Dyson launches a new hairdryer. I really like their vacuum cleaner, which is wonderful for picking up golden retriever hair…
  • For a brief, shining moment, something interesting actually happened at a soccer game.
  • This time of year there’s just so much pollen in the air.
  • Scott Adams Says This Anti-Trump Ad Backfires

    Thursday, March 17th, 2016

    So an anti-Trump group put together an ad consisting of women reading the mean/stupid thing Donald Trump has said about women:

    Says Scott Adams:

    Have you seen the anti-Trump video that features women quoting Donald Trump’s most offensive statements about women?

    I just showed it to a woman. She thought it was funny. Apparently nothing that Trump says comes off as offensive to her.

    The reason I checked with a woman is because I didn’t trust my own reaction. To me, the video looked like the most tone-deaf ad of all time. I would rank it as among the worst I have ever seen in terms of persuasion. I’m guessing it worked in Trump’s favor.

    On the 2D level of reality – where we pretend people are rational – the video makes perfect sense. The makers of the video figured women voters would not like a candidate that says bad things about women. That seems totally logical. I can see why they made the video.

    But on the 3D level of persuasion, what the viewer sees is several average-looking women in bad moods complaining about a guy being, well… a guy. I assume men won’t be offended by the video because Trump is no more of a jerk than most men. And men probably don’t get a warm feeling from the judgmental, angry messengers in the video. That video looks like a huge fail to me.

    While I’m not on-board with Adams’ “people are just moist robots” thesis, I think he’s right about this video.

    “Oh look, Reginald! That uncouth vulgarian is distressing his class betters again!”

    “Shocking, Eleanor, simply shocking!” (drops monocle)

    The ad ignores the reality that a great deal of Trump’s appeal is his willingness to transgress against the unspoken shibboleths of the overclass. People are voting Trump because they can’t punch an NPR host in their smug face over the radio.

    When a whole bunch of dour middle-aged feminist scolds (which is what it comes off as) read Trump quotes in the manner of “celebrities read mean tweets,” the result is laughter, not outrage. The real tone of the ad is “We know better than you, and Trump offends our finely-tuned sensibilities! Doesn’t our naked contempt dissuade you from voting Trump, you dim-witted flyover country rubes?”

    No wonder they disabled video comments on YouTube.

    So the Our Principles PAC (headed up by ex-Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush staff) should stop running this thing, as it’s only helping Trump.

    And that Princess Di quote is pure comedy gold…