Posts Tagged ‘Texas Gubernatorial Race’

Debra Medina, Truther?

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

For those not following the Texas Gubernatorial Race, Medina is the Republican Party candidate who’s not Rick Perry or Kay Bailey Hutchison. From what little I’ve seen and read about here, she’s comes across as a somewhat clumsy debater (forgivable), pretty Libertarian (good), but in a distinctly fringe-y way (bad). The way she went on about “State Sovereignty” (responding to questions where it clearly wasn’t applicable) in the one debate I saw made me think she wasn’t ready for prime time.

But now that it turns out that, if she’s not actually a 9/11 “Truther,” she’s at least sympathetic to their theories. (Wow, way to make people think Libertarians aren’t nuts. While you’re at it, why don’t you start ranting about how the State of Texas should stop taking little pieces of green paper and insist on being paid in gold the way another loony Libertarian candidate did a few election cycles ago?)

This will not do.

In theory, Texas Republicans should be enjoying a race between three candidates who are, by national standards, genuinely conservative. In practice, all three have some serious baggage.

I hope to talk in more detail about some of Perry and Hutchison’s baggage in a future post…