Old White Woman Sells Black Baby Organs To Buy Lamborghini

That’s the headline I wanted The New York Post to put on this scandal. Since they have thus far declined to, I guess I’ll just have to do it myself…

“We don’t want to be accused of selling tissues.” Well then, why don’t you, oh, I don’t know, refrain from selling organs from aborted babies?

And this is a follow up to their first video:

(And for those who have charged these videos are unfairly edited, here are the full videos of each.)

Now, I don’t tend to report much on the abortion debate, save the occasional LinkSwarm piece or when Democrats break their pro-life promises. I don’t think the issue is resolvable via the political process, involving as it does two absolutes, and though I consider myself moderately pro-life, I imagine the majority of he pro-life movement would find me entirely too “squishy” on the subject.

But the most recent revelations are definitely hardening my position on Planned Parenthood. I was always in favor of defunding it, and neither abortions or birth control should receive any government subsidies at all, much less federal subsidies, as it’s not a constitutionally enumerated power. But now I think all government, at all levels, shop drop all official ties with Planned Parenthood, Democrats should constantly be questioned and attacked over their support of it, and those officials of Planned Parenthood breaking the law on human organ trafficking should be arrested, convicted and imprisoned.

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One Response to “Old White Woman Sells Black Baby Organs To Buy Lamborghini”

  1. Howard says:

    This really needs to go out into thethe Tweet-verse with the hashtag #blacklivesmatter

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