Twitter Suspends Instapundit

Now Twitter, as part of it’s campaign to drive all conservatives off it’s platform, has suspended Instapundit.

Just as I was about to put this up, Zero hedge posted about it.

Time to contact all Twitter board members (and advertisers) and get this reversed…

Updated to Add: Unblocked now:

Better, but it never should have been blocked in the first place. Evidently Black Lives Matter is so sacred that their representatives can get away with any threats on Twitter, but suggesting people defend themselves if surrounded by a violent mob is beyond the pale.

How much shareholder value has Jack Dorsey destroyed by letting Anita Sarkeesian run his asylum?

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One Response to “Twitter Suspends Instapundit”

  1. Howard says:

    Maybe putting it in context matters, but when the tweet says “run them down” it sure looks damning.

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