Kurt Westergaard Approves of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day

Kurt Westergaard, creator of the Mohammed Bomb Turban image and Patient Zero of Islamist Cartoon Rage, says he approves of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.

“The initiative must surely be understood as a manifestation of freedom of expression, where Muhammad and my drawing has become icons of this culture struggle. I always think it is excellent when it is touched by the debate. There is obviously a risk that it may provoke some of the dark forces which then inspired terror. But it is not so much to do, we must not let ourselves be cowed.”

(Hat Tip: Tundra Tabloids. )

In other Everybody Draw Mohammed Day news, http://www.drawmuhammadday.com/, a site that was very slow getting off the ground at all, seems to have completely disappeared. Hmmmm…

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