Texas Constitutional Amendment Election Tuesday

Remember: There’s an off-year election Tuesday, November 3.

Here’s a PDF of the ballot from the League of Women Voter’s

I was going to do a quick and dirty voter guide from a conservative/libertarian perspective on the issues, but a quick search turned up a more detailed breakdown that covered most of the points I would have made anyhow:

Here’s a breakdown from the Hardin County Conservatives

One difference between their views and mine: I would recommend voting AGAINST Proposition 3, “The constitutional amendment providing for uniform standards and procedures for the appraisal of property for ad valorem tax purposes.”, for the following reason: It seems innocuous enough on its face, but it violates the principle of subsidiarity, i.e. that power in a democracy should devolve to the lowest level of government capable of exercise that power. It also provides a small but important check on tiny bureaucratic tyrannies; if Travis County adopts abusive property tax rules, you can always move to a county that doesn’t (say, Williamson County). If those “uniform” rules turn out to be abusive, then you’re screwed.

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