Wendy Davis Continues to Double Down on Stupid

A smart politician, when caught telling a lie, apologizes, corrects the record and moves on.

Since the era of Bill Clinton, this is not the way Democrats do things. What Democrats do now is act outraged that critics and political opponents would dare point out their lies.

Rather than admit that she lied about key features of her biography, Wendy Davis is attacking the journalists that exposed her lies. But particularly baffling is her instance on embedding an obvious lie about her history smack dab in the middle of a paragraph that exposes the lie in her revised biography.

Wendy left home at 17, married when she was 18 and had her first daughter Amber when she was 19. She and her husband lived in a trailer, and Wendy continued to live there with Amber after they were separated. As a single mother at age 19, she often struggled to make ends meet. Wendy filed for divorce when she was 20 and she and Amber lived for a short time with her mother. The divorce became final when she was 21.


  1. She married when she was 18.
  2. She filed for divorce when she was 20.
  3. Ergo, the assertion that “As a single mother at age 19, she often struggled to make ends meet” is obviously false, since she was not a single mother at age 19.

It’s like Lindsay Lohan stating “I was addicted to cocaine for several years. But fortunately, I was never addicted to cocaine.”

Again, facts are stubborn things. The smart thing to do would be for Davis to come clean completely and not try to peddle obvious lies as truth.

But her campaign gives precious little evidence that Davis is that smart…

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One Response to “Wendy Davis Continues to Double Down on Stupid”

  1. RJ says:

    This is such good fodder for the upcoming elections.

    The real debate in Texas seems to be happening on the Lt. Gov. stage. That said, I do work with the Patrick campaign, and I was wondering if we might talk offline about any interest you might have in doing an interview.

    My email is included, so feel free to let me know. Thanks!

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