6 Writers Boycott PEN Award to Charlie Hebdo, Rushdie Strikes Back

Six Writers have announced that they object to PEN giving a free speech award to Charlie Hebdo. The reason? Because Muslims are “disempowered.” Also known as “six writers whose work you should never buy”: Peter Carey, Michael Ondaatje, Francine Prose, Teju Cole, Rachel Kushner and Taiye Selasi. (Hat tip: Jihad Watch.)

This received fierce pushback from the man who radical Muslims want to see suffer the same fate as Charlie Hebdo writers: Salman Rushdie. Mincing no words, he called the boycotting writers “pussies.”

“The award will be given. PEN is holding firm. Just 6 pussies. Six Authors in Search of a bit of Character.”


This issue has nothing to do with an oppressed and disadvantaged minority.

It has everything to do with the battle against fanatical Islam, which is highly organized, well-funded, and which seeks to terrify us all, Muslims as well as non-Muslims, into a cowed silence.

These six writers have made themselves the fellow travelers of that project. Very, very bad move.

I fully expect the Social Justice Warriors to be more incensed over Rushdie’s use of the word “pussies” than they were over radical Muslims gunning down Charlie Hebdo writers in the first place…

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