Recording of Dave Truesdale’s “Offensive” Worldcon Panel Now Available

Following up on yesterday’s story of Dave Truesdale being expelled from Worldcon for expressing non-PC thoughts, Truesdale has now put up his own post about the short fiction panel that was cited as the reason for his expulsion…including full audio of the entire panel.

I haven’t listened to the entire recording, but if the first ten minutes are any indication, people calling Truesdale a “dick” and an “asshole” and accusing him of “hijacking the panel” are engaging in the rhetorical device known as “lying.” What you hear Truesdale doing in the first five minutes is not just making points about how easily offended Social Justice Warriors are damaging short fiction, but also bending over backwards to bow to shibboleths of tolerance and diversity in the field. Then he politely let others on the panel express their opinions on the subject.

And he still got expelled.

Worldcon has made it clear that no challenges to Social Justice Warrior rules will be tolerated, and that non-liberals are no longer welcome at their ever-smaller, ever grayer convention.

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