More Signs of Hillary’s Enthusiasm Gap

Going into this Presidential race, we already knew Hillary Clinton was possibly the least popular Democratic Presidential candidate in modern history. (Say what you want about George McGovern, but he had a huge cadres of young volunteers, not a graying army of paid toadies.) Now we’re seeing yet more signs of just how little enthusiasm there is for Granny Lich outside the demographic of rich millionaires who need political favors:

  • There’s an enthusiasm gap between Republicans and Democrats this year. “A Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 46 percent of Trump backers were “very enthusiastic,” compared with only 33 percent of Clinton supporters. And a New York Times/CBS News poll saw Trump outperforming Clinton by the same metric, 45 percent to 36 percent.”
  • While Republicans are seeing a surge in voting registration, Democrats are not. (Note: That’s from August, so ignore the stale poll data.)
  • The Clinton/Kaine campaign book Stronger Together is bombing. “After a week on the shelves, the book has sold fewer than 3,000 copies.” Those are pretty good numbers for a first-time novelist; they’re a disaster for a formerly “inevitable” Presidential favorite.
  • Trump is even making inroads into Clinton’s key demographic of black voters. “Trump saw a 16.5 percentage-point increase in backing from African-American voters in a Los Angeles Times/University of Southern California tracking poll, up from 3.1 percent on Sept. 10 to 19.6 percent through Friday. Meanwhile, the same poll showed Clinton’s support among that group plummeting from 90.4 percent on Sept. 10 to 71.4 percent.” Hillary’s campaign path to victory was always predicated on getting near-Obama level black voting participation, something that was already going to be difficult; now it looks impossible. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • Expect to hear more about some of these topics Real Soon Now…

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    One Response to “More Signs of Hillary’s Enthusiasm Gap”

    1. Howard says:

      It gets even deeper … Evidence of Hillary’s IT guy, Paul Combetta, asking Reddit how to cover up emails.

      (including lots of screenshots of now deleted posts by that user)

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