Immigration: Did Liberals Fall Into Yet Another Trump Trap?

According to this Gallup poll, immigration is now the top national issue, probably because Democrats took a temporary break from their Russian collusion fantasy to splash “OMG! Look at these heart-rending pictures of illegal alien children!” across the nightly news for a month.

The 22% of Americans in July who say immigration is the top problem is up from 14% in June and is the highest percentage naming that issue in Gallup’s history of asking the “most important problem” question. The previous high had been 19%.

There’s just on tiny little problem for Democrats:

The YouGov poll shows that registered votes prefer stricter immigration policies by roughly two-to-one. Forty-seven percent of the registered voters in the poll of 1,000 adults said they want stricter policies, while only 25 percent said they want less strict policies.

Seventy-three percent of GOP-identified adults want stricter policies, as do 45 percent of independents, and 19 percent of Democrats. Thirty-one percent of Hispanics want stricter policies, while 30 percent want looser policies, said the poll.

So they spent a month hyping an issue that plays directly into President Donald Trump’s hands.

Also note that there’s no guarantee that a majority of that minority of 25% believe in the most extreme open borders position of abolishing ICE.

I see no sign that their chants of “No ban. No wall. No borders at all.” have even the tiniest shred of popularity with American voters at large. Border Control is President Trump’s signature issue, one that pries far more voters from the Democrat’s coalition (blue collar works, blacks, etc.) than it does from Republicans.

If the Democrats keep letting the lunatic nutroots tail wag the rest of the party, expect them to experience the same electoral joy they enjoyed in 2010, 2014 and 2016.

(Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)

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One Response to “Immigration: Did Liberals Fall Into Yet Another Trump Trap?”

  1. Borepatch says:

    One reason that this is top of the list may be due to the fact that the economy and jobs situation is vastly improved under Trump, and so are not as much of a concern as they had been.

    But Trump likes to set things up so that he wins no matter how things turn out. This would be winning on top of winning.

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