San Francisco: A Literal Shithole

What does following every far-left Democratic Party/Social Justice Warrior fad get you?

You can turn one of the wealthiest cities in the world into a literal shithole:

Warning the First: You might not want to watch that before a meal.

Warning the Second: Produced by Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars. But ignoring the goofy product flacking at the very end, there’s almost nothing in here you wouldn’t have seen covered (in somewhat less graphic form) in one of the regular Texas Vs. California updates.

(Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)

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5 Responses to “San Francisco: A Literal Shithole”

  1. Rodney Stanton says:

    It still is 1 of the richest cities in the world! shithole that it is, and has been, for years.

    The correlation between wealth and clean is almost 0, null, none.

    NY. NY is , and has been for decades, a shithole. Many billionaires have apps there.

  2. Lawrence Person says:

    If you think New York City is a shithole today, you should see what it looked like pre-Giuliani…

  3. Carol Neilson says:

    Hate to think what it would be like now had Giuliani never been elected. But the current Dem (dumb) administration is trying hard to show us what it would’ve looked like had Giuliani never been elected.

  4. […] run your city for decades on end. A half century of Social Justice has turned San Francisco into a literal shithole filled with drug-addicted shooting up and defecating on city […]

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