Google Won’t Autocomplete “peter strzok lisa page”

Here’s another case of Google putting its thumb on the scale, making you go out of your way to find what it thinks you shouldn’t be allowed to find: Google won’t autocomplete the phrase “peter strzok lisa page.”

Or “lisa page peter strzok“:

You know, the adulterous FBI lovers whose anti-Trump texts were in the news for months? Google evidently doesn’t think the same autocomplete that extends to just about any other news story that doesn’t cover the FISA scandal should apply to them. I first saw this pointed out by commenter whitney at Ann Althouse’s blog.

Here some other notable phrases Google won’t autocomplete: “fbi conspiracy

fisa warrant trump“:

It’s not just the FBI FISA scandal. Google also doesn’t want you to know other facts about various Democratic operatives. For example, it won’t autocomplete the phrases Willie Brown mistress” or “Kamala Harris mistress:

Strangely, Google won’t autocomplete just “Beto DUI” itself, but will autocomplete “Beto DUI reddit“:

Looks like someone was asleep at the censorship switch, there.

Google evidently exists to let you find any information you want…except when it’s embarrassing to Democrats.

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One Response to “Google Won’t Autocomplete “peter strzok lisa page””

  1. STW says:

    Just one more reason to like Duck Duck Go.

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