Mueller’s Testimony: A Roundup

We have more reactions to Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony and it’s not glowing. Indeed, observers from both sides are calling it a disaster for Democrats:

If Democrats believed that Robert Mueller would provide them with additional ammunition for an impeachment inquiry, they made an extraordinary miscalculation. Not only was Mueller often flustered and unprepared to talk about his own report—we now have wonder to what extent he was even involved in the day-to-day work of the investigation—but he was needlessly evasive. In the end, he seriously undermined the central case for impeachment of President Donald Trump.

The often-distracted Mueller didn’t seem to know much about anything. The very first Republican to question him, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Rep. Doug Collins, forced Mueller to correct his own opening statement. In it, the former FBI director had asserted that the independent counsel “did not address collusion, which is not a legal term.”

For just how out-of-it Mueller appeared, well, take a look:

Greg Gutfeld expands on the theme:

Michael Goodwin of the New York Post suggests Mueller’s appearance should end any impeachment talk.

Among his talents, Donald Trump has a special gift for driving his detractors so crazy that they do really stupid stuff. The decision by Democrats to force Robert Mueller to testify before Congress is Exhibit A.

Bumblin’ Bob was a train wreck of epic proportions. The fallout is immediate, starting with this: Impeachment is no longer an option.

It had a slim chance before Wednesday’s painful slog and no chance after it.

Goodwin is overly optimistic, as random blue checkmark celebrities are still calling for Trump’s impeachment on Twitter.

And, of course, the inevitable Downfall parody.

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