Bill Maher Blasts SJW Opposition To Calling It “Wuhan Coronavirus”

Bill Maher may be a smarmy liberal, but when he’s right he’s right.

This time he’s calling out the sudden Social Justice Warrior hissy fit over calling it the Wuhan Coronavirus.

“I say liberalism lost its way when it started thinking like that and pretended that forcing a woman to wear [burkas] was just a different way instead of an abhorrent human rights violation. It’s not racist to point out that eating bats is batshit crazy. In 2007 researchers at the University of Hong Kong wrote the presence of a large reservoir saw of SARS CoV like viruses in horseshoe bats together with the culture of eating exotic animals in southern China is a time bomb.”

(Hat tip: Ann Althouse.)

Want to guess how The Daily Beast responded to his point that it wasn’t racist to name a virus after it’s point of origin? That’s right: They called him racist. Social Justice Warriors are as predictable as they are moronic…

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