What Can You Do About A Stolen Election?

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”

– Matthew 6:27

It’s Thursday morning and the Presidential race is still up in the air. I would probably worry more about it if I hadn’t been suffering from such sleep deprivation last night. So instead, I achieved the sort of zen calm that comes over you after you’ve depleted all those neurotransmitters and neuroeptides necessary for you to worry. And I have other worries ahead of national elections right now.

Are Democrats in the process of stealing the 2020 Presidential race by carrying out massive voter fraud in a few key battleground states?

Some evidence:

Then there’s the county where Biden and Trump numbers were briefly transposed. It’s entirely possible that was just an error.

Obviously, this is going to end up in courts. In fact, legal action is already underway:

  • Supreme Court orders Pennsylvania Democrats to respond in ballot dispute.” “President Trump has moved to intervene in a lawsuit brought by Pennsylvania Republicans, arguing the state’s Democratic Party and Secretary of State violated the law by extending the time for counting mail-in ballots to Nov. 6 at 5 p.m., despite the state legislature setting the deadline as Election Day.”
  • Rudy Giuliani filed another lawsuit over voter fraud in Pennsylvania.
  • There’s a Michigan lawsuit over denial of GOP poll watchers access.
  • In addition to that, the campaign has filed a lawsuit in Georgia, and is demanding a recount in Wisconsin.
  • This post was going to have some insightful commentary on possible paths for various Trump/Biden win/lose scenarios, but I don’t have time to get to it right now. And after 9 hours of sleep, I still feel tired…

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    18 Responses to “What Can You Do About A Stolen Election?”

    1. Brian says:

      Doesn’t matter what Trump and his lawyers do, the Democrats have stolen this election. They will get away with it because the media (both social and mainstream) have encouraged them to do so and are willingly cheer them on.

    2. Ned2 says:

      The election has been stolen.
      There is plenty of information out there explaining how the marxists were finally able to pull this off:


      This link explains in more detail how this Cyber Weapon is used. This interview was the day before the election.
      This names names, Brennan, Comey, Mueller….funded by Soros…war room that Obama organized has making this happen.
      Many names involved that you will recognize.
      The algorithms will be meant to look like foreign interference if found.
      This is really happening and we will no longer have the USA as we know it.

      This is why they could run the aging Biden and the slut Marxist Kamala.
      They are only the pawns, the game is fixed.

      First report on Monday:

      And yesterday:

      They have been fine tuning these methods since 2012.

      I have verified all this with someone I know at the top of the government food chain. I know that doesn’t mean much to anyone, but this will all come out and the truth will be seen.

      Be safe everyone, we’ve entered the next phase.

    3. Ken says:

      By serendipity, Matthew 6 was part of my morning Bible reading.

    4. Hominem Humilem says:

      Actually, 5.5 standard deviations makes this a 12-sigma event…of course, the number of elections is actually pretty small, so the notion of an “x-sigma” event is a little strained in the first place…

    5. Debbie says:

      Nothing that can be done. They can steal it, announce that they stole it, laugh about it, and there’s nothing, absolutely nothing, that can be done. Why? The election officials are corrupt, the judges are corrupt. Nobody’s going to throw out a whole city’s votes because of corruption. Ain’t gonna happen. Once they’ve done the stealing, it’s done.

    6. gman says:

      “what can you do about a stolen election?”

      the election itself? not much.

      about the consequences and aftermath? quite a bit. the left wants all government in their sole control or they’re going to destroy government as such. fine. let’s see how they do in a lawless environment.

    7. Hominem Humilem says:

      Actually, a 5.5 sigma deviation from the mean would be twelve-sigma (six on each side of the mean). But, to be fair, he haven’t had the large number of elections that would be necessary for us to have high confidence in establishing our standard deviation.

    8. gman says:

      “matthew 6 was part of my bible reading”

      “31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

      I see the words, but I don’t get it – I’m unaware of anyone who has had food and clothing fall out of the sky like manna upon them. most commentators get around this by saying it’s not the things, but the opportunity to work to obtain the things, that is given to you. but that’s not what the text says.

    9. JB says:

      The Republicans will let it happen.

      They’ve been losing since Woodrow Wilson. When do we stop thinking of them as incompetent idiots and start thinking of them as collaborators?

    10. SukieTawdry says:

      Michigan judge threw out the lawsuit. Said it was filed too late. I’ve noted that the Trump team was slow getting off the dime on a number of things. They should have been poised to file for an immediate injunction in Michigan the moment the first Republican poll watcher was denied entry.

    11. Mark M says:

      No, the election is not lost, enough with this defeatist talk.
      A sizeable proportion of Trump voters have no issue with showing up in force outside official buildings and demand an open and transparent recount. That’s what’s different than past campaigns.

      We will do so. What will the left do, send blue haired antifa larpers? They only come out at night, and wouldn’t dare attack a large crowd of Trump supporters. What will the cops do, shoot us? They can’t even shoot a rioter they’re so afraid for their pensions.

      What will the suburban Biden voter do? They’ll have another glass of wine.

      The time to fight for our rights is now! That starts by surrounding these buildings and demanding accountability and a careful, forensic recount that rejects every ballot that doesn’t make the grade.

    12. GoLakers says:

      I’m not clear on how a recount is helpful.
      If the extra ballots are counted in the recount, they still will be considered official.

    13. gman says:

      “I’m not clear on how a recount is helpful”

      it’s not, the vote is too contaminated by fraud. the bolsheviks have decided that either they win or there is no electoral system. “the nation that will not serve you shall be destroyed”, and that’s what they’re doing, in every generation.

      we’ll have to start over, from the beginning, this time forcibly ensuring that bolsheviks play no role anywhere.

    14. Rather Not Say says:

      Mark M is right…The R’s will demand, and receive a recount. GoLakers is also correct, they will recount the fraudulent ballots. And the election is stolen.

      There are only two remedies: the courts recognize enough fraud that they order not a recount, but a re-vote. And the fraud is stopped the second time.

      The state legislatures or the House (of Reps) refuses to certify the electors, and it falls to the House, by state, to elect the President. Which is a bet that Establishment Recucklicans who have been happy to ‘lose with dignity’ for decades finally find some backbone to stand up for the man most of them hate with a passion burning brighter than the fever swamps of the left.

      So the only real hope is that SCOTUS, under John ‘Obamacare is Constitutional because it’s a tax!” Roberts orders tossing out the election in at least several states and revoting.

      Both are extraordinarily thin reeds to hang hope on.

    15. Fred D says:

      The Wisconsin numbers are not quite as listed in this blog. Earlier this year, the state Republican party won a lawsuit to remove over 200k invalid names from the voter rolls. The State (Democratic) Supreme Court overturned it, allowing those names to stay on the rolls. That equals 3.48M valid registered voters.

      Now, let’s add in same day registrants. In 2016, 380k people registered on election day in WI. This year, in person voting was 63% of what it was in 2016, so let’s say 300k people registered on election day. That figure, added to the 3.48M voters equals 3.78M eligible voters.

      That equals 86% turnout.

    16. Bob the tomato says:

      Video: Matt Braynard: Evidence of Vote Fraud Enough to Flip States


      Download our app to read more for free at https://ept.ms/DownloadApp

    17. […] A utility board election. Stakes that low and here’s demonstrable proof that someone thought it was worth committing voter fraud. Imagine how much more temptation there must be to commit voting fraud in a presidential election? […]

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