How Social Justice Warrior Language Manipulates People

A short video about how Social Justice Warriors manipulate language to box in political opponents:

The people who claim that everything is sexist, that everything is racist. The people who claim that we all need to check our privilege. Those people are using a side of academic jargon. They’re using linguistics sleights of hand and emotional tricks and verbal misdirection to stack the deck and to tilt the argumentative playing field in their favor.

They’ll show up and they’ll say, we need to talk about social justice. We just want to have a conversation. We just want to talk. There’s nothing going on here. It’s just a conversation. That’s all we want. We just want to talk and have a conversation. And then they’ll proceed to say that they have good hearts and they’re going to use their voice to take up space in the name of diversity, equity and inclusion, that the personal is the political, and that we have to do the work if we want to be on the right side of history.

And when you give your reply, they’re going to say, well, we need to call a spade a spade. You need to check your privilege and stay in your lane. You need to shut up and listen until you can educate yourself about your problematic ideas because you’re on the wrong side of history.

If they get angry during this conversation, they’ll claim the anger is the language of the unheard, and that their anger is fueled by love. If you get angry during this conversation, they will claim that you have white fragility and that you are crying male tears. And if you ask them to explain themselves, they will say, oh, don’t demand my emotional labor. But if you offer to explain yourself, they will say, quit mansplaining.

They rig the conversation by redefining the terms. And then they use sleight of hand to deal unfair attacks from the bottom of the deck. And all of this is done in the service of controlling the conversation

Wokal Distance has a Twitter feed that’s worth following.

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3 Responses to “How Social Justice Warrior Language Manipulates People”

  1. Brian says:

    Every social justice warrior I have ever dealt with are “do as I say, not as I do” hypocrites! Best advice I was given was just don’t feed in with them. Let them run their mouths, smile back and say “have a nice day.” Ninety-nine percent of them have serious issues of their own and they love to project those issues on other people.

  2. […] For Kamala Harris’ Senate Seat Are Fans Of The Murderous Castro Dictatorship BattleSwarm: How Social Justice Warrior Language Manipulates People Cafe Hayek: Walter Williams, RIP, also, My Inadequate Tribute To One Of The Greatest Men I’ve […]

  3. George_Baner says:

    Malignus Sub Humana Leftoxenomorph is my name for the malignant sub human leftist strange being: noun. (lefto-xeno-morph = leftist-strange-being) former human that has moved so far to the left that she undergoes a self imposed evil regression and becomes a sub-human species of humanoid detached from reality, totally parasitical to human civilization, utterly hostile to humanity, bent on the destruction of human civilization and the enslavement of the few survivors willing to kneel and worship her and her religion of leftoxenomorphism in a feudal ant-hill like society with a one-hive-mind-nomenklatura of wokeraty that she expects to be part of.

    Leftoxenomorphs have ONE thing in common with humans: we are both carbon based.

    The basic premise of leftoxenomorphism is that some humanoids (them) have the right to oppress others (mankind) due to the divine right bestowed upon them by their religious idol “Social Justice”

    Leftoxenomorphs consider themselves vastly superior to humans and with the right to enslave and / or exterminate humans and eventually completely replace them and their hubris knows no limits.

    A good example of the possible results can be found in Ayn Rand’s “Anthem”, George Orwell’s “1984” and Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron”

    At the beginning of the 21st century leftoxenomorphs control nearly every American elite institution: the Deep State Swamp, Congress, the administrative state, all the alphabet agencies, hollyweird and the arts, the universities, nonprofits, Silicon Valley, all the tech giants and all social media platforms and the MSM.

    About half the population seems to have been already brainwashed into leftoxenomorphs or enough to make them collaborators and enablers and useful idiots.

    Leftoxenomorphs are the archetypical cry bully and replace reason with drama as part of their modus operandi. A leftoxenomorph will surreptitiously sink a knife in your back while screaming at the top of her voice that you are assaulting and hurting her.

    Leftoxenomorphs are the evil that Sun Tzu warned us about: “Evil will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.”
    – – –
    Want to know what a Malignus Sub Humana Leftoxenomorph looks like and sounds like?

    Imagine a pantyfa feminazi sexually-fluid with neon pink hair, a pussy hat, a che guevara t-shirt that hasn’t bathed in two weeks, holding a black flag like any ISIS maggot, howling at the universe at large that she hates America, men, Capitalism, patriarchy, Orange Man Bad and all the leftist hobgoblins you can imagine and loves communism, BLM mau mau, hitlary the arkancider, aoc the fraud, pisslims, crack cocaine, pedophilia and whatever and whomever is opposed to reason, decency and goodness and Western civilization.

    And imagine anybody and all bodies that would have even a trace of sympathy for it (yeah, that being is an “it”, why do you think the “Sub Humana” is there for?)
    And now you have an idea of what a member of the species Malignus Sub Humana Leftoxenomorph looks like and sounds like.

    Add everybody that voted for the demonrat party and you start to get an idea of how numerous the Malignus Sub Humana Leftoxenomorphs have come to be.
    – – –
    Leftoxenomorphs are the kind of vermin any decent person scrapes from the bottom of his shoes.
    If a decent person makes the mistake of allowing a leftoxenomorph into his house he soon realizes that it is the last time that maggot is ever allowed in.
    – – –
    Notice the leftoxenomorph were the quintessential maskocrats of the covid panicdemic. Masks were never about health, but about control. You have to learn to recognize the leftoxenomorphs supreme ability to jump on any weakness and opportunity to weaponize it to defeat humanity and enslave the willing to submit and worship them and kill he rest.

    An archetypical leftoxenomorph motto is: “yes, we con”
    “Yes We Con Frontpagemag.htm” []
    – – –
    “Understand we are at WAR with a missionary, supremacist religion.” – David Horowitz
    That, per my definition, I call “leftoxenomorphism”
    – – –
    There’s a certain insouciance to a leftoxenomorph utterance of the most extreme barbaric, anti-human and anti-reality notions.
    They can throw a “2 and 2 do not necessarily make 4” like they were surveying a cupcake.
    They can go “what’s so wrong with communism?” like they are watching a pigeon fly away at the coming of a car.
    They can steal a presidential election like they are performing a virtuous duty people should thank them for and there’s nothing even remarkable at what the do because it is the right thing to do when you are dealing with “nazis” (non-leftoxenomorphs)
    And they will do all these things with a fundamental lack of care for reality, reason, decency, all notions that they deal with as if they were not part of their world.
    It is not that they don’t hate non-leftoxenomorphs.
    It is that they are so utterly convinced of the righteousness of their position that doubt doesn’t enter their minds.
    That is, of course, what faith and religious fanaticism do to a humanoid brain: they vaccinate the brain against thinking.
    When your life revolves around the simple magical notions that faith and religious fanaticism bring all you have to do at any give time is to regurgitate one of your mantras and you’ll be fine.
    When you adopt leftoxenomorphism and its faith and cult modus operandi you move closer to the world of insects and away from the world of humanity.
    “Everybody knows that men are rapists and toxic, right?”
    “Everybody knows that whites are all racists, right?”
    ”Everybody knows that women don’t lie, right?”
    ”Everybody knows that the United States was founded on racism and white supremacy, right?”
    ”Everybody knows that islam is a religions of peace, right?”
    ”Everybody knows that a three year old is perfectly capable of deciding his or hers gender, right?”
    “Everybody knows that religion has nothing to do with a middle-eastern jihadist stabbing people at random while shouting ‘allahu akbar’, right?”
    And so on and so forth.
    This utter indifference to reality and reason and decency is quite revealing of the leftoxenomorph frame of mind and the extend of the evil that moves them.
    – – –
    A leftoxenomorph might go with “What difference, at this point, does it make?”
    And the answer is “Decency doesn’t have a Statute of Limitations”
    – – –
    Regarding leftoxenomorphs here’s the first thing you can count on: if something is odious to decency then leftoxenomorphs will be all for it, tits deep in it and grabbing large handfuls of it and rubbing it all over themselves with a smug smile of retarded self-righteous satisfaction.
    – – –
    “social justice” and all the associated bullshitsectionality are the golden calf of the Baal social justice Moloch cult of leftoxenomorphism.
    leftoxenomorphs are just modern times idolaters.
    – – –
    By their blatant intent of treating humans as inferiors and as enemies and as prospective fodder through word and deed, leftoxenomorphs have abandoned humanity to become something else, hostile to humanity, opposed to humanity’s survival save as their farm animals and steeped in evil to such an extent as to deserve to be considered a different species and an enemy of humanity that should be treated as such and exterminated in humanity’s self defense.

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