Austria Antifa Protests Rapists Being Deported

Antifa is an international neo-Marxist terrorist organization dedicated to overthrowing Western civilization. Over in Austria, they’re protesting the deportation of Muslim rapists:

A sit-in by Antifa caused traffic gridlock on Vienna’s Roßauer Lände on Tuesday. Miles of traffic jams in the direction of the city were the result. Some demonstrators chained themselves at the police detention center (the refugees had long been at the airport by this time). The police had to intervene. “Come by! Support the blockade or just show solidarity here,” the organizers of the registered rally advertised for participants on Twitter.

It is now clear to whom the solidarity should apply: 37 people who were deported to Afghanistan. Seventeen of them were of legal age and were men.

“Heute” research also showed that eleven people had committed criminal offenses in Austria and had already recorded a legally binding conviction in the criminal record.

The delinquents had a total of 38 offenses (an average of three per person) on Kerbholz. Three men were convicted of attempted and committed rape, for example. In addition, there were severe coercion, bodily harm, dangerous threats, deprivation of liberty, robbery, theft, damage to property, resistance to state violence and various addictive offenses.

One person had a previous conviction for dangerous threats. The convicted person threatened to kill everyone involved in the trial against him (specifically two employees of the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum and a judge from the Federal Administrative Court). “Due to the crimes committed and the predicted endangerment, multi-year entry bans have been issued to protect public safety and order,” said the Interior Ministry.

In Europe, antifa has German roots in both the pre-WWII Stalinist Antifaschistische Aktion and the Maoist Communist League of the 70s and 80s.

Over here, when it comes to their “No borders, no walls, no USA at all” chant, antifa really mean it.

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2 Responses to “Austria Antifa Protests Rapists Being Deported”

  1. Obama's boyfriend says:

    Deport all BLM/Antifa fans to China where they can protest to their hearts desire till they get sent to the gulags.

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