Nine Year Old Comedy Special Gives Glimpse of Better World Before Wokepocalypse

Here’s an HBO special from nine years ago with four top comedians (Jerry Seinfeld, Louis C.K., Chris Rock and Ricky Gervais) talking about how comedy works, how they work using old and new material, how they deal with sensitive subjects, etc.

Notice how absent current social justice concerns are from their consciousness. They even discuss whether or not to use rape jokes, gay jokes, etc. There’s no worry about social justice warriors being offended at the mere discussion of these topics…

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2 Responses to “Nine Year Old Comedy Special Gives Glimpse of Better World Before Wokepocalypse”

  1. […] Spring” Of Oppression Unfolding In Cuba, also, How Elections Work In Nicaragua BattleSwarm: Nine Year Old Comedy Special Gives Glimpse Of A Better World Before The Wokepocalypse, also, The Fall Of Netanyahu Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Northrop […]

  2. Manniko says:

    Another impressive example is episode 4 in the first season of Better Off Ted:

    The story is about a new internal sensor system for lights, doors etc which can’t see black people. It was aired in April 2009 and it made fun of the same thing people 12 years later had a complete meltdown over.

    The iphone was released in mid 2007.

    I’m increasingly convinced it’s the whole reason for what is happening today. Just think of all the 6 year old upper middle class kids back then which got one, because their parents could afford it. They’re now all 21 year old rioters.

    Today, at least in Germany, 54% of children get their first smartphone between age 6 and 7. It totally screws them up. Smartphones should be regulated like cigarettes and booze.

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