Mike Rowe on “The Science Is Settled” And Cancel Culture

Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs fame has some useful observations on the left throwing around “The Science Is Settled!” as a universal “get out of debate free” card:

David J. Herdrich writes…

Look, Mr Rowe, it’s easy to take a set of quotes and predictions of scientists out of context and situate your post in a narrative that says Covid and Climate Change are hoaxes or greatly exaggerated. But when put in the broader context of the science that has been done, and the broader context of what scientists have said, Covid and Climate Change are both serious threats that should not be downplayed.

Hi David,

I don’t see how I downplayed either issue. I agree that both are deadly serious, and that both demand our attention. But does that mean we should ignore the long list of predictions and claims that have turned out to be false? Pointing out misstatements from powerful people who shape policy is not taking things “out of context,” it’s holding people accountable. Hundreds of journalists, politicians, and scientists who spoke with great certainty about both issues turned out to be dead wrong. That doesn’t mean that science is not to be trusted – but it does mean we can no longer hope to persuade skeptical people by simply proclaiming, “because the science is settled!” Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. Point being, our current credibility crisis isn’t happening because powerful people were merely wrong about critical issues that affect us all – it’s happening because they were wrong, and certain, and unapologetic. That trifecta has had a devastating effect on the public trust, and for good reason. But this crisis of credibility is also happening because “cancel culture” is very real, as is the attack on free speech.

As I type this, I see that Mr. Potato Head is no longer a male, and Dr. Suess is now a racist. Here in San Francisco, the school board has voted to remove no less than 44 names from the façade of public schools. Among them, Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Jefferson. These decisions, in my opinion, are all promulgated by people who share two qualities in equal measure – certainty and intolerance. They are certain of what they believe, and they are intolerant of those who disagree. If you revisit the sources I provided in my original post, you’ll see that combination appear over and over. It’s not a coincidence.


I simply suggested the rise of certainty was correlated with the decline of humility, and Americans are starting to notice. Moreover, the onus is not on the American people to believe what our leaders and experts proclaim. They have a duty to persuade, not merely dismiss skeptics as “deniers.”

But also, there’s an underlying hypocrisy at work here that transcends the business of being wrong, and a level of hubris that makes persuasion nearly impossible. Gavin Newsom’s future in politics is in real trouble today, not because of his policies, but because of his hypocrisy. Likewise, Andrew Cuomo’s words have come back to haunt him in a big way. “Believe all women?” Ok, let’s see if he means it. Al Gore scared the hell out millions of people by telling us the polar ice caps would be gone twenty years ago, and cited all kinds of scientific studies to support his claim. That doesn’t make him wrong about everything, but when he refuses to walk it back, it makes him fundamentally unpersuasive. But you seem to be arguing that anyone who dares to hold experts responsible for their own words, is “anti-science.” And you’re doing it with the same level of certainty we hear from guys like Newsom, Cuomo, Gore, and now, John Kerry.


Today, I think we’re long on certainty and short on truth. Thus, we’re even shorter on credibility. But I think you’re mistaken to blame people for being skeptical. Their skepticism is more than justified, thanks to a long list of preposterous claims from our elected officials, a lack of humility among our experts, an assault on free speech in our universities, and a national press corps who makes no attempt to hide their bias. Throw in an assault on Mr. Potato Head and Dr. Suess and a few thousand statues of our founding fathers that are no longer appropriate, and perhaps you can start to see why people have begun to mistrust our institutions.

As for “flattening the curve,” I was simply reminding people that we were all told a year ago – with great certainty – that the lockdowns would end when the curve was flattened. “Two weeks to flatten the curve!” Remember? A lot of scientists supported that promise, and millions of Americans trusted them. Well, the curve was flattened, but the lockdowns persisted. Pointing this out is not a criticism of science or scientists; it’s a criticism of certainty.

Read the whole thing.

(Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)

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7 Responses to “Mike Rowe on “The Science Is Settled” And Cancel Culture”

  1. […] Mike Rowe on “The Science Is Settled” And Cancel Culture […]

  2. CBMTTek says:

    Anyone who claims the “science is settled” does not understand exactly what science, and the practice of science, really is. Science is constantly questioning what is “known.”

    Science is not: “This is a fact.”
    Science is: “Prove it!”

    Exactly 0% of climate change, or coronavirus is settled. What is available are observations, models, and conclusions that best meet the available data at the time. And, it MUST be questioned.

    In fact, not questioning it is denying science.

  3. Obama's boyfriend says:

    Science is never settled, it is how we best understand it at the current time. As recently as sixty years ago we were told that the sound barrier could not be exceeded; a hundred and twenty years that man could not fly. The list goes on and on.

    What is amazing is how these reactionaries always manage to raise the spectre of the Inquisition if you challenge their wild thesis. If you point out how wildly wrong they have been you wonder if a blind squirrel can actually stumble across an acorn now and again given their record.

  4. […] Crow News Babalu Blog: The Cuban Dictatorship Fears “Subversive Artists” BattleSwarm: Mike Rowe On “The Science Is Settled” And Cancel Culture, also, Chicoms Carry Out Giant Microsoft Hack Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, […]

  5. Sailorcurt says:

    Too bad it’s on Facebook. I don’t have an account any more. Not sure why any conservative does, but hey, maybe some people get a kick out of providing moral and financial support to an organization that hates their guts and would prefer for them to just shut up (or die, whichever comes first).

    To each his own.

  6. […] Person’s Battleswarm – fine Texas energy failure explanationMike Rowe on “Science is Settled” / […]

  7. Simi says:

    “Pointing this out is not a criticism of science or scientists; It’s a criticism of certainty.”

    Ooh! That should be a burn towards the left.

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