Stairs 3, Biden 0

For the rest of us it’s Spring, but for Biden it’s fall:

Anyone can stumble on a stairway; very few people will stumble three times climbing the same set of stairs.

Remember when Biden made fun of Trump walking carefully down a ramp? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

So when is Saturday Night Live going to rehire Chevy Chase to play Joe Biden the way he played Gerald Ford? Chase is one year younger than Biden. (Of course, we all know the answer to that: Never. Because SNL hates making fun of Democrats. And Lorne Michaels hates Chase. Plus, at age 77, I doubt Chase is doing many pratfalls these days…)

Now some tweets:

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One Response to “Stairs 3, Biden 0”

  1. Drang says:

    I have no respect for President * whatsoever, nor for anyone else in his misadministration, but letting him continue to humiliate himself this way is elder abuse.
    I’m certainly not looking forward to Kamalamadingdong assuming the reins, but this is horrible.

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