Followup on Dr. Dan Stock’s Virus Comments

In a follow-up to this story, I emailed Dr. Dan Stock to ask him if he had references to the studies he mentioned in that video.

Today he replied and pointed me to this set of links up on his PureHealthMD website. And now I’m pointing them out to you.

Thus far I have only dipped my toe into them. I browsed the “N95 Respirators vs Medical Masks for Preventing Influenza Among Health Care Personnel.” The disappointing conclusion was “Among outpatient HCP, N95 respirators vs medical masks as worn by participants in this trial resulted in no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza.” So only do regular masks not work, even significantly better N95 masks don’t work…

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6 Responses to “Followup on Dr. Dan Stock’s Virus Comments”

  1. Gospace says:

    None of the links open up for me- all say “no preview available”

  2. Lawrence Person says:

    So that’s not just a transient error. Google Docs appears to refuse to open the links.

    But if you click on the Google doc, the page that comes up has little box that will open another page. That won’t work either, but it will if you trim down the URL to the actual PDF path.

    Strange. I wonder if Google is intentionally trying to avoid letting people read those docs. I have email Dr. Stock about the issue.

  3. martywd says:

    … That won’t work either, but it will if you trim down the URL to the actual PDF path…

    Good clue on how to view those, seemingly, ‘broken’ links.

    fwiw, Dr. Stock also has done a four part ‘Lecture’ on the various aspects of this covid drama. Maybe you’ll have seen them already? If not, the following link at rumble starts off with the vid in a previous post here. Below the top vid are four links and more of the ‘Lectures’ I type of. I found those lectures informative as well.


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  5. PapaSierra says:

    I’m an engineer who knows a few things about air flow and filtration.

    Cloth or surgical masks are worthless for protection from an airborne virus. An N95 mask offers some protection but ONLY if they are properly fitted, which for most people is uncomfortable. If worn for long periods of time, or while active, they will shift and leak. The N95 masks with relief valves will hold the seal better, but they only protect the wearer from other people, and not others from the wearer (your exhaled air passes out the valve unfiltered).

    In serious work a full face respirator is an absolute requirement.

  6. gospace says:

    Looks like it’s been addressed…

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