Which Of Our Institutions Are Captured and Corrupted?

Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying discuss which of our institutions have been captured. Short answer: All of them.

See also: Jerry Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy.

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6 Responses to “Which Of Our Institutions Are Captured and Corrupted?”

  1. Dirk says:

    Make that: All of them.

  2. Howard says:

    Good to know. What to do, then?

    Working within the system is a lost cause. Working from outside the system is, too. I can’t think of where to move to – I used to daydream Australia or NZ, but now, shit

    I feel like we’re simply waiting for everything to fall apart, and see who’s in charge and how to live with them when that happens, if we survive. Time to learn Mandarin?

    The original Foundation books come to mind.

  3. Ken says:

    Pournelle is apropos, as usual. For good measure toss in Robert Michels’ Iron Law of Oligarchy (“Who says organization says oligarchy”) and F.A. Hayek’s “Why the Worst Get on Top.”

    For Howard’s question, there are few pleasant answers, but I suggest Albert Jay Nock’s “Isaiah’s Job.”

  4. […] Left All Across Argentina, also, In Communist Cuba, Even The Dead Have To Wait In Line BattleSwarm: Which Of Our Institutions Is Captured & Corrupted? Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Lozenge-Shaped Hole In Martian Crater […]

  5. JohnB says:

    The left seized power through a program of racist colonialism generally called mass immigration, and did so with the collaboration of the Republican party and the conservative establishment. The so-called march through the institutions is important only to the degree that it enabled this policy of occupation. Without the immigrant vote the Democrats would probably be the minority party. They certainly wouldn’t be as radical and openly racist against white people as they are today. The left from the very beginning of this wave understood that mass immigration would, must destroy the existing system, and they didn’t try too hard to conceal their glee over that reality. It’s only the grifters of Conservatism, Inc., and the Republican party that pushed the patently ridiculous idea that mass immigration wouldn’t change the nation, that immigration so vast that it actually makes the natives a minority would have no real effect on the traditions and laws of the nation. And the target of this grift was their own supporters. Their still running the same con today in the face of undeniable political and civilizational disaster.

    The thing we are waiting to fall apart is the Republican party. It will cease being nationally competitive within a few years due to the leadership’s treason over immigration. Never mind that they betrayed the nation, conservatism, and their constituents, they’re such crooks that they could not even be bothered to save the political party that is the vessel that allows their grift. They sold even that. We’re waiting for them to vanish as a viable political party so that their supporters will no longer have the Republicans as a false choice. They’ll have to deal with the reality of their situation: they’re a conquered and hated people living in an occupied land, and they’ll have to figure out some way to wring concessions from their occupiers. This is how it is in empires. The imperial center will probably allow them to live a pretty good life as long as they don’t get uppity, keep shelling out, don’t make too many demands, and are always around to take the blame and a beating for the system’s failures. Everybody loves a good slave.

  6. Fergus Boon says:

    Burn it all down. The swamp controls everything and you can only take Soma.

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