Is Australia Not Going To Take It Anymore?

This video from Melbourne suggests that Australians have had just about all of the lockdowns they can stand:

It’s not enough to break through police lines. Mobs need to track the politicians that imposed these lockdowns to their homes, bust down their doors, drag them forcibly into the street, and then tar and feather them.

For starters.

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18 Responses to “Is Australia Not Going To Take It Anymore?”

  1. PghExpat says:

    Tarring and feathering used to be a common response to corrupt leaders. The practice needs to make a comeback.

  2. […] some point you have to stand up and say, “Enough is enough!” […]

  3. Mh says:

    There needs to be a body count of tyrants. Not just the ones at the top, but the minions doing the dirty work.

  4. Aggravationicangetatwork says:

    I think those Australian pols better hope in 1776 and not 1789/

  5. Brad says:

    Those cops should recognize that they weren’t the target, and not snipe with the bear spray as they are going by. But, most cops being most cops, won’t and next time they’ll just be taken care of. This will result in just shooting into the crowd, then the real action starts.

  6. bflat879 says:

    Until seeing this, I assumed the Australians were turning into sheep. I’m really glad to see they’re willing to stand up and fight for their freedom. The measures being taken by their government were draconian and it was past time to fight it.

  7. Cardiclan says:

    You forgot “and ridden out on a rail!”

  8. Elfconsul says:

    Politicians are only charlatans and montebanks and thoroughly deserve tar and feathers.

  9. InterestedBystander says:

    Yes, run out of town on a rail.

  10. Rob Hartsock says:

    (… sips coffee …)


  11. Flight-ER-Doc says:

    Instead of a couple of thousand pissed off Aussies, how about a quarter million? A half-million? That’s only 1 or 2 percent of the population…

  12. martywd says:

    I got nothing of substance to add to this… Just noticed that Ace had posted a link to this post and was wondering whether your server host had crashed? Guess not? Yet. ;-)

  13. BubblePuppy7 says:

    The guy dressed in all black, one of the first through the line of cops, isn’t playing around. He intentionally goes after the cops and knocks them down. Good on him.

  14. Cap'n MAGA says:

    Twatter banned me for suggesting that Gavin Newsom should be tarred and feathered. “Advocating violence,” doncha know.

  15. Howard says:

    Show this to every liberal you know, and laugh while they can’t decide if they should hate cops at a protest or hate anti lockdown proresters. Their head will explode.

  16. Firehand says:

    Right now I guarantee the politicians and Police Commissioners are discussing what harsher actions to take in the future, because “How dare those people not do what they’re told!”

    I’m hoping some of them are smart enough to realize that here most of those people were just walking through and pushing the cops out of the way. And what might be the reaction of the cops start beating people down, or- of someone loses their damned mind- start shooting. A whole bunch of pissed-off people who decide to get really serious will be a real shock. And it’ll be profoundly messy.

  17. […] Lawrence Person tells it true: […]

  18. JimmyMcNulty2020 says:

    Does Australia ever expect a tourism industry in the future?
    Maybe Eastern Bloc hardliners looking for a little head bashing, but who would ever go there.
    Hope the aborigines take it all back.

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