Is Austin Community College Breaking Federal Law By Discriminating Based On Race?

The federal government is pretty clear on this point: If you accept federal money, you can’t discriminate on the basis of race for education under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. There are other laws that prohibit it, and a fairly extensive number of post Brown vs. Topeka cases that all say the same thing

So why does it look like ACC is doing just that?

I emailed two addresses at ACC late yesterday asking for clarification on this. Thus far I have not received a reply. I’ll let you know if I do.

Edited to add:

Edited to add 2:

This sounds a little ambiguous. Any current white or Asian ACC students interested in signing up for the BRASS cohort?

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2 Responses to “Is Austin Community College Breaking Federal Law By Discriminating Based On Race?”

  1. Howard says:

    From the tweets, sounds like skating right up to the knife-edge of what’s legal.

    From the BRASS description … no bueno.

  2. prof guy says:

    Are they forming cohorts for other ethnic groups? Are other ethnic groups allowed to create cohorts?

    Are they doing special treatment for one group or separate but equal for all?
    You never know. Maybe the Court will reinstate Plessy. Good luck, ACC.

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