Ft. Hood Shooting Spin

No one should make light of the horrible tragedy at Ft. Hood today. However, it’s very discouraging to read how the MSM refuses to cover the story’s stubborn, politically incorrect facts:

In this CNN report, there’s still no mention of the fact the shooter is a Muslim some ten hours after the shooting, and eight after Major Malik Nadal Hasan’s identity was first reported. (Of course, CNN has a history of refusing to report “inconvenient” facts.)

Likewise, the LA Times refuses to cover those same details.

Here’s the rub: This is a huge national story with tons of coverage…and it’s obvious that the MSM is lying to us by omission. The chances are extremely strong that they’re lying to us just as much in thousands of stories every year that garner less attention. And they wonder why their circulations/ratings are in freefall and no one trusts them anymore…

Patterico has more on the subject.

(Hat tip: Instapundit)

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