Know Who’s Bummed About Russia’s Military Failure In Ukraine? China

A goodly part of the world is pleased about the manifest failure of Vlad’s Big Ukraine Adventure, some are indifferent to it, but only Russia, client-state Syria, and puppet-state Belarus really seem upset about it.

Know who else is bummed? China.

Operation Desert Storm was a turning point in modern Chinese military history. As military planners with the People’s Liberation Army watched U.S. and allied forces make short work of the world’s fourth-largest military (on paper), equipped with many of the same systems as the PLA, it became obvious that China’s quantitatively superior but qualitatively lacking massed infantry would stand no chance against the combination of modern weaponry, C4ISR, and joint operations seen in Iraq. The result was new military concepts and over two decades of often-difficult reforms, which produced the modern, far more capable, “informationized” PLA of today.

Today, the PLA is no doubt closely observing its Russian contemporaries in Ukraine as they under-perform in multiple areas, from failing to take key targets or claim air supremacy to running low on fuel and supplies and possibly experiencing morale collapse, and surely taking away lessons that will shape its own future. Of note, Russia’s experience appears to have confirmed many of China’s recent assumptions behind its investments, such as the utility of unmanned aerial systems in high-intensity conflict, as well as the necessity for the PLA’s 2015 reforms, which aim to fix many of the issues driving Russian failure that the PLA recognizes in itself.

Of the many issues that have contributed to Russia’s physical battlefield woes in Ukraine, one of the most important has been the lack of effective joint or combined arms operations, widely considered essential to any effective modern fighting force. Russia’s poor level of coordination between its various services and branches can only be generously described as incompetent. For example, it has repeatedly failed to provide effective air support to its ground forces or deconflict its air and air-defense forces to avoid friendly fire.

The PLA has long had its own serious issues with joint operations. Traditionally dominated by the Army, the PLA had little success developing a truly joint force until a series of sweeping reforms in 2015 that replaced the former Army-dominated system with a series of joint theater commands. The PLA is thus aware of its own shortcomings and taking steps to fix it, but likely remains far off from being able to conduct truly effective, seamless joint operations. Efforts to conduct joint exercises are becoming more common, but most senior PLA leaders are still relatively inexperienced with joint operations, and even new officers typically do not receive joint education below the corps level. Further, it remains to be seen how far these reforms will go or to what extent they will “stick;” indeed, one reason the PLA did not attempt these reforms until 2015 was because of strong institutional pushback from the Army, whose leaders wished to retain their dominant status.

To China, the Ukraine invasion will reinforce the importance of joint and combined arms operations, while also making clear that such operations are highly difficult to conduct in practice. Russia’s stumbles may give the PLA pause as to whether it is truly ready for all the joint elements that a successful Taiwan seizure would require, including close coordination between sea, air, and land forces.

As well they should be. Russia shares a giant land border with Ukraine, was able to through something like 150,000 troops into the fight, and still got mauled while failing to meet their initial objectives. A giant land border is world’s away from having to conduct fiercely contested landing operations against the heavily defended island of a sophisticated, technological peer foe who’s had over half a century to prepare.

Also, it can’t be encouraging that Russia was unable to hold control of Hostemel Airport during the early stages of the war, since airport seizures for an airbridge into Taiwan has played a large role in many wargamed invasion scenarios.

Some paragraphs on conscript armies and information warfare skipped.

China has also taken note of Russia’s disasterous logistics:

Another ongoing issue has been Russia’s serious problems with poor logistics. The sight of broken-down or abandoned vehicles has become common as Russian forces run out of fuel and other vital supplies. To its credit, the PLA has also been rapidly reforming and modernizing its logistical system as part of the same broad set of 2015 reforms. As part of these reforms, the PLA has emphasized its logistics organizations and created the Joint Logistics Support Force. This force’s training has focused on cooperation with other branches of the PLA, and it has cut its teeth training to establish supply lines during natural disasters. In 2018, the JLSF launched its first major exercise, dubbed “Joint Logistics Support Mission 2018,” featuring medical drones, helicopter-dropped refueling depots, and operations in harsh and remote terrain.

Hey, remember all that stuff I said about long land borders vs. amphibious and airborne invasion? It applies double (if not quadruple) for logistics. China can’t assume it will have complete air and sea control of the Taiwan strait, and it’s really hard to run an invasion if you’ve run out of ammo, food and fuel.

However, while the outward manifestation of many of the issues faced by the Russian military appear to be logistical in nature, the true heart of the issue may be corruption. There are reports that before the invasion Russian military officers sold off their fuel and food supplies, and that these corrupt practices may be responsible for the stalling of a Russian tank column outside Kyiv. In this regard, the PLA has much to fear. Corruption has plagued the PLA for decades, with some PLA officers bluntly stating in 2015 that it could undermine China’s ability to wage war. Reportedly, more than 13,000 PLA officers have been punished in some capacity for corruption since Xi Jinping took power, including more than a hundred generals. This was a particular problem in the logistics sector, where there are more opportunities for corruption and links to the civilian economy.

Yet, despite the reorganization of the PLA and widespread prosecution of corruption cases, it still appears to be a major issue. Anti-corruption efforts are ongoing, with Chinese Gen. Zhang Youxia recently calling for innovative measures to keep up the fight. But the fact that Fu Zhenghua, the man brought in to take down the corrupt former security chief Zhou Yongkang, is himself now under investigation for corruption does not bode well for the long-term effectiveness of China’s efforts. The troubled invasion of Ukraine provides a stark real-world example to Xi, the CCP, and PLA about the impact corruption can have on military effectiveness, and will no doubt cause them to redouble their anti-corruption efforts with a newfound urgency. However given its similar authoritarian system and emphasis on career advancement through patronage, systemic corruption may be baked into the system.

China without corruption is like Norway without snow.

But not everything is that’s made life difficult for Russia will apply to China.

While China will benefit from Russia’s increasing reliance on its goods and services, Beijing can be expected to retool its geo-economic strategy to reduce its vulnerability to a similar nightmare scenario. For example, it will likely redouble its efforts to promote its Cross-Border Interbank Payment System—an alternative to the SWIFT international banking system—among its strategic partners and foreign aid recipients in the developing world.

Likewise, China’s recent “Dual Circulation” economic strategy appears to be aimed at countering a decoupling from China’s trade partners. Further, Beijing has surely observed how easy it was for corporations to withdraw from Moscow. If China is to be exposed to the risk of global sanctions and corporate withdrawal, so too are countries and corporations exposed to dependence on the world’s second-largest economy, and thus the government will likely take efforts to make any sanctions or corporate turn against China as painful a prospect as possible. Either way, policymakers in Washington need to understand that the sanctions being used today against Russia are unlikely be as effective the next time around, as China is not just a different economy, but also will learn from the current conflict and adjust accordingly.

This is undoubtedly true, and China has a much broader and more modern economic and industrial base with which to wage war. All the more reason for America to bring critical manufacturing and other economic business outsourced to China back home.

For all these valuable lessons, there is little doubt that China has been watching the ongoing conflict with no small amount of chagrin. Chinese leaders are reportedly surprised and unsettled by the poor military performance of its Russian partners, Ukraine’s resistance, and the level of solidarity from the international community. The image of a much smaller state, against all odds, successfully resisting a larger neighbor surely sits uneasily in the psyches of CCP apparatchiks and PLA officials. It also counters the narrative of overwhelming force and grim inevitability Beijing has sought to instill in the psyches of the Taiwanese people. It is notable that early attempts by Chinese state media to capitalize on the Ukraine invasion in precisely this fashion, illustrating how the United States will surely abandon Taiwan when the chips are down, quietly ceased after the initial days of the war, when it became apparent that the U.S. was not, in fact, abandoning Ukraine. Beyond purely psychological factors, Ukraine also offers a blueprint for successful resistance via asymmetric warfare very similar to Taiwan’s proposed Overall Defense Concept, perhaps giving a jolt to a plan that most analysts agree offers Taiwan its best chance of success against the PLA but has stalled out in the face of bureaucratic resistance.

While China and the PLA will surely watch Ukraine closely and try to take away the correct lessons, there is one uncomfortable parallel which China may be unable to avoid by the very nature of its authoritarian system. The runup to the Ukraine invasion featured multiple strategic miscalculations by Putin, driven at least in part by him surrounding himself with the yes-men who inevitably cling to authoritarian leaders, eager to please and afraid to speak truth to power. This was obvious in the visibly uncomfortable reaction of Russia’s SVR (foreign intelligence) chief as he was publicly pressured to agree with Putin in the days leading up to the war, as well as in the sackings and arrests of multiple military and intelligence officials after the war turned poorly. Authoritarian leaders have systemic problems in gaining reliable intelligence, oftentimes magnified by their overconfidence in their own singular understanding of a situation. As China continues its slide away from a system of intra-Party consensus toward a one-man cult of personality in which dissenting views are increasingly unwelcome, Xi is bound to encounter the same problem. It is unclear whether Xi will learn this lesson from Putin, or make his own similar miscalculations in the future towards China’s own neighbors.

Dictatorships (especially communist dictatorships) greatly increase the possibility of a “Thermocline of Truth” building up between bad news and fawning yes-men fearful of making the dictator angry. There’s very little reason to believe that Xi Jinping’s chain of command suffers from the problem any less than Putin’s.

In war, comforting lies will get your ass kicked.

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6 Responses to “Know Who’s Bummed About Russia’s Military Failure In Ukraine? China”

  1. Kirk says:

    The root problem with authoritarian rule is that it discourages communication of reality up and down the hierarchical chain. If you “take control” the way Putin has in Russia, and Xi has done in China, the problems come when you begin to believe your own BS about your all-knowing, always-right nature.

    The reality is that centralization of power and decision-making, both inherent to authoritarians, is entirely inadequate in the face of fast-paced modern conditions. You could get away with authoritarianism back in the old days because things moved slowly enough that it took literal generations for things to go bad in the face of poor decisions. Nowadays? Good grief… Things move so quickly that there’s no way any one person or system could possibly keep track of them. Look at the churn in the markets; try to imagine telling someone in 1980 that Google would be bigger than Microsoft which would be bigger than GM, and that Apple would be another powerhouse… Selling phones

    None of that happened because one guy at the top made it happen. It was all the result of thousands of decisions made down at the coal-face of day-to-day life, made by people who knew what was going on because they were living it. The big guys, the dinosaurs? The Xeroxes, the Polaroids? They’re mostly gone, living on only in vestigial form. The drive to centralize and take authority over it all with the government is similarly doomed. The only difference is that governments can last longer due to power and taxing authority; as private corporations, most of them would be gone already due to sheer hubristic incompetence.

    Authoritarianism never works out. Centralized authority never works out, and it gets worse when married to inflexible bureaucracy. There were people who would have told Putin the truth about his military, but he fired them all or murdered them for being truth-sayers. This led to his forces being populated entirely by yes-men. Xi is no doubt sitting in Beijing, right now, and seriously wondering about the accuracy of the things he’s been told. That’s if he’s smart…

  2. Earth Pig says:

    Russia’s defeat in this first phase of a much longer conflict is all the more surprising because they front-loaded their campaign. They took time to put all the logistical and tactical assets they thought they needed prior to the invasion. The massive invasion force turned out to be lacking in the face of a determined defense by a motivated active and reserve force supported by an aroused citizenry. Ukraine is demonstrating the old French concept of the “levee en mass” or the nation-in-arms.

    Once the entire populace of the Ukraine, Russia’s 120,000-man invasion force was not capable of subduing more than 500,000 estimated pissed off citizens. Truely, there is an AK-74 behind every blade of grass.

  3. Greg the Class Traitor says:

    However given its similar authoritarian system and emphasis on career advancement through patronage, systemic corruption may be baked into the system.
    Yeah, this

    China without corruption is like Norway without snow.
    That too

    It’s a nasty problem. The people most likely to get the big / expensive government contracts are the people who have connections.

    The people most likely to be corrupt are the people who have connections.

    And those connections will make it harder for Xi to go after them for their corruption.

    It’s a vicious circle

    Then there’s military exercises. IIRC you were the one who pointed out that Russian military exercises, especially large ones, tend to be scripted.

    Which makes it really hard to learn whether or not your doctrine and capabilities are crap.

    But the senior military officials are going to be mostly from a pool of people who care more about not being “shown up”, than people who want to be challenged any their inferiors and forced to get things right, with the possibility of total public failure if they screw up. (I’m most certainly NOT claiming that’s a uniquely Chinese and / or Russian trait. But I am claiming it is one of their traits). So I expect that their exercises will be just as unrealistic as the Russian’s were.

    Then there’s this uniquely Chinese problem: Thanks to the One Child policy, 90%+ of their soldiers are only sons and only grandsons. I submit that this forces the Chinese leadership to be very causality conscious, because each dead soldier leaves China with 2 – 6 adults who now have no future, nothing to live for, nothing to threaten if they decide to get revenge on the government that stole away their only child.

    Another problem China faces is that it is dependent upon resources coming from the sea to keep China going.

    How many subs does Taiwan have? How many oil tankers, container ships, etc would Tiawan have to sink before China was effectively blockaded?

    Heck, they don’t even have to sink the ships. How many cruise missiles hitting the sterns of cargo ships (taking out propellers / steering and thus making it impossible for the ship to continue moving to / from China) does it take for cargo ships to stay away from China?

    It’s not like China is going to organize convoys for those ships before it attacks Tiawan. How many days without a tanker coming to China can China survive?

  4. Howard says:

    China’s recent “Dual Circulation” economic strategy appears to be aimed at countering a decoupling from China’s trade partners.

    Where can I learn more about this? What with Hong Kong, Thousand Talents, Tienanmen Square, Confucius Institutes, Uighur genocide, and a plethora of other issues … decoupling has my interest. I know it’s risky, and perhaps 100% isn’t the best goal (indeed, if it’s possible, persuading Beijing to simply behave would be a fine goal … if it were possible).

  5. Howard says:

    China without corruption is like Norway without snow.

    That too.

    Huh … this sounds a lot like D.C. … and I’m not referring to the snow. Then again, come to think of it, there’s more than a little of that going around in D.C., too …

  6. Kirk says:

    The difference between corruption in DC and corruption in Beijing is that DC is mostly parasitical corruption; the host can survive it. In Beijing, the corruption is inherent to the system, and you have no means of getting around it.

    Which is why the arseholes in DC reaching for more and more control is best blocked, while we still can.

    Every time China has gone into a “long night” of collapse after a central regime has failed, the reason has to do with the fact that there was really no means of routing around the failed central node; that’s why the warlords had to take over regionally. The attempts currently being made in DC to turn us into a centralized authoritarian state need to be resisted, lest we fall prey to the same problems–If we already haven’t.

    Centralization and authoritarianism do not work, and they work even less well the further up the complexity tree you take your civilization. No office in any capital can figure out how many widgets are going to be needed in some regional center out in the hinterlands; attempting to exert that kind of control or even just assuming it’s possible in your system means eventual catastrophic systemic failure. For those of you with a spiritual bent, I would submit that this factor is why we haven’t seen too much of God, lately–Even for someone omniscient, the sheer number of decisions that would have to be made would probably drive said omniscient being to distraction, in very short order. Far better to set the rules and let the system work itself out. Trying to assume God-like authority and power is just going to wind up making you look stupid, because it’s fairly obvious that even God doesn’t think it’s a good idea.

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