Why Dutch Farmers Revolt

Those who get all their news from the MSM may be unaware that Dutch farmers are staging a revolt against attempts to seize their land and force them out of farming.

Americans should start paying closer attention to the ongoing farmer protests in the Netherlands, which this week transformed long swaths of Dutch highways into what looked like a post-apocalyptic warzone: roadside fires raging out of control, manure and farming detritus heaped across highways, traffic stalled for miles, and massive protests across the country in support of the farmers.

Why is the Netherlands, of all places, experiencing such unrest? Americans need to understand what’s happening over there because the ruinous climate policies that triggered these protests are precisely what President Joe Biden and the Democrats have in mind for the United States.

Specifically, Dutch farmers are protesting a government plan to cut fertilizer use and reduce livestock numbers so drastically that it will force many farms out of business. Earlier this month, farmers used tractors and trucks to block highways and entrances to food distribution centers across the country, saying their livelihood and way of life are being targeted by the government.

And they more or less are. The ruling coalition government claims its radical plan, pushed by Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who branded the protests “unacceptable,” is part of an “unavoidable transition” to improve air, land, and water quality.

“Unavoidable” because European elites have decided their virtue signaling transcends the rights of mere peasants to earn a living and feed people.

The goal is to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxide and ammonia, which are produced by livestock but which the government is labeling “pollutants,” by 50 percent nationwide by the year 2030.

The only way to do that, many Dutch farmers say, is to slaughter the vast majority of their livestock and shutter their farms. The government knows this and admitted as much earlier this year, saying in a statement, “The honest message … is that not all farmers can continue their business,” and that farmers have three options: “Becoming more sustainable, relocating or ending their business.”

The genesis of the scheme was a court ruling from 2019 that said the Dutch government’s plan for reducing nitrogen emissions violated EU laws protecting its Natura 2000 network of supposedly vulnerable and endangered plant and animal habitats — basically a bunch of EU-governed wildlife preserves. These sites span the EU, covering 18 percent of the bloc’s land area and 8 percent of its marine territory.

To protect these wildlife preserves, Dutch farmers are being told they must submit to their government’s ruinous emissions plan.

But the Natura 2000 preserves are only part of the story. European leaders such as Rutte are environmental ideologues who want to transform global food production and eliminate private land ownership, and he sees an opportunity in this court order to reshape agriculture and land use in the Netherlands.

Indeed, Rutte — a walking embodiment of the Davos Man if there ever was one — is a big proponent of the United Nations’ “Agenda 2030” and its Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to squeeze farmers and ranchers around the world in order to reduce “emissions.” The policies that flow from these goals, such as drastically reducing the use of fertilizer, contributed to the recent economic collapse of Sri Lanka, which triggered mass protests that toppled Sri Lanka’s government and ousted its president earlier this month.

Last year, Rutte spoke to the World Economic Forum about “transforming food systems and land use” at Davos Agenda Week, announcing that the Netherlands would host something called the “Global Coordinating Secretariat of the World Economic Food Innovation Hubs,” whose job would be to “connect all other food innovation hubs.”

In Davos-speak, that means agricultural production and the supply of food will be centrally controlled by intra-governmental bodies and “stakeholders” consisting mainly of the world’s largest food corporations and international NGOs. Private farms and independent farmers will be a thing of the past, supplanted by global bodies making decisions about how much and what kinds of food are produced. The private sector and the independent farmers will have no place in the future that the UN and the WEF are planning.

Dutch farmers understand this. They know Rutte and his ministers want above all to eradicate their farms and way of life. But they’re not going down without a fight.

And fighting they are:

How bad is it? One farmer says he’ll have to get rid of 95% of his herd.

In the Netherlands, dairy farmer Martin Neppelenbroek is near the end of the line.

New environmental regulations will require him to slash his livestock numbers by 95 percent. He thinks he will have to sell his family farm.

“I can’t run a farm on 5 percent. For me, it’s over and done with,” he said in a July 7 interview with The Epoch Times.

“In view of the regulations, I can’t sell it to anybody. Nobody wants to buy it. [But] the government wants to buy it. And that’s why they [have] those regulations, I think….”

There’s a sword of Damocles hanging over them: the possibility of compulsory seizure of property by the government.

NOS Nieuws reported that Christianne van der Wal, the country’s minister of nature and nitrogen policy, has not ruled out expropriating land from uncooperative farmers.

According to a report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agriculture Service, the Dutch government has said its approach means “there is not a future for all [Dutch] farmers.”

You would think that with the world facing the prospect of widespread famine later this year, that the the commissars might pause their radical, agriculture-destroying policies until that problem is dealt with.

You would be wrong.

And the Dutch government seems to be escalating their violence at the same time Dutch farmers are hanging themselves.

This Dutch farmer thinks the real reason is that radical left-wingers want to get rid of all animal products.

The Dutch farmer revolt is especially important, since a lot of leftwing environmental activists want to import the same seizure tactics here.

This week news broke that congressional Democrats had finally reached a deal on the largest piece of climate legislation in American history. The bill is a tax-and-spend cornucopia of some $369 billion for wind, solar, geothermal, battery, and other industries over the next decade, along with generous subsidies for electric vehicles and incentives to keep nuclear plants open and capture emissions from industrial plants.

After pretending to oppose Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s climate legislation, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin relented this week, clearing the way for the bill to proceed. Senate Democrats say the bill will allow the U.S. to cut greenhouse emissions by 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 — matching up nicely with the UN’s “Agenda 2030.”

Understand that the Senate bill isn’t the end, it’s the beginning. Climate activists and ideologues are working at the highest levels to transform not just the global food supply, but the nature of private property and property rights, all in the name of saving the planet. What Rutte and his government are doing to Dutch farmers, Schumer and Biden are planning to do to American farmers and American industries.

So pay attention to the roadside fires and blocked highways and mass civic unrest in places like the Netherlands and Sri Lanka. America is next.

Overstatement? Probably. But you know that a lot of Democratic politicians and environmentalists see such radical actions as a model to implement here.

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10 Responses to “Why Dutch Farmers Revolt”

  1. 370H55V says:

    What they really want, and have been all too candid about it, is a reduction of the world’s population to a “sustainable” 500 million or so (cf. recently destroyed Georgia Guidestones). Putting these standards in place would result in famine by choice. Their response is “tough shit. There are already too many of you”.

    Something tells me that the remaining 7.5 billion are not going to take this lying down. And yet, the Dutch ELECTED this prick. New Zealand ELECTED that cunt Jacinda Ardern. And here in the US. . .

  2. […] rates, and Castro dictatorship clamping down harder on the faithful in Cuba BattleSwarm: Why Dutch Farmers Revolt, also, Eric Schmitt Wins Missouri GOP Senate Race Behind The Black: Today’s blacklisted […]

  3. Kirk says:

    The idiot class has no idea how the world works, and thinks that they’re somehow going to keep it running with their select few friends that survive what they intend for the rest of us.

    News flash: It won’t work. Drop world population down to 500 million people? What do you suppose things are going to look like for those 500 million? Do you think they’re going to forget all their family and friends that you killed off through selective implementation of all this green bullshit? Do you think that the 7 billion you eliminate are just going to go “Oh, well… I guess we’ll just die…”?

    These people are ideologically bound, and stupid as hell. The reality is that they’re ginning up the engine of their own destruction, because I guarantee you that all those “environmentally sensitive” types are going to be first on the menu for long pig when the average person gets hungry enough. Vegans ought to be good eating, even if a little stringy.

    This BS is exactly why ideology of any sort is dangerous; it substitutes party-line lockstep thinking for pragmatic recognition of reality, and responding rationally to same.

    I’d love to know what these geniuses think they’re going to do with 7 billion corpses, and what the world will actually look like for them, once it’s all sustainable. The actual fact of it all is that they’re not going to be lords of creation ruling over 500 million happy workers; they’re going to be seen as genocidal thugs in need of destruction by the traumatized survivors who’ve watched their loved ones and friends starve to death at the hands of the “elite”.

    I really don’t think these people have thought this through, all that well.

  4. Arty says:

    This is why I don’t get excited about the war in Ukraine or the supposed genocide in China. The only conflict I care about is the one here at home. FJB

  5. Micha Elyi says:

    Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

    Elections have consequences.

    Silence implies consent.

    You snooze, you lose.

  6. […] Lawrence Person notes why the Dutch farmers revolt matters […]

  7. Leland says:

    As the Dutch farmers get distraught enough to consider hanging themselves, they’ll feel the liberation of nothing to lose. That’s when they’ll become dangerous to the elite. Right now, they are just kindly protesting.

  8. Andy says:

    Or this is a way of driving out the small farmers and the land will be snapped up cheap at a government auction by the big land owners (Bill Gates) or the massive agro-industry backed by the trillion dollar investment banks.

    Once the small farmer is out of business, watch the ‘oh! the Africans are starving and therefore we need to increase output and this legislation has to go’ so say the future experts with grants from the said billionaire landowners or agro-industry backers.

  9. buddhaha says:

    Duexit. The Netherlands should just exit the EU.

    The problem is that the EU is one big swamp: a large mass of unelected bureaucrats possessing law making powers, with little to no control by elected officials.

    Or, guerrilla warfare. Brussels is right next door.

  10. […] government is the one that tried to seize land from farmers to prevent them from farming as part of their global warming/anti-meat/land seizure agenda. That government deserved to fall. […]

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