Honest Trailers Slams Velma

Do you think we’ve spent enough time crapping on how horrible Velma is?


“That’s all just a framework for jokes that sound like an AI mixed Family Guy with bluecheck Twitter and somehow didn’t kill itself.”

Another reason to slam it: HBO Max has renewed it for a second season, perhaps mistaking hate watching for actual interest…

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4 Responses to “Honest Trailers Slams Velma”

  1. BigFire says:

    As I mentioned in the comment section, I feel sorry for whoever that have to watch that show to put together this video.

  2. Kirk says:


    Just like all the latest Star Wars movies.

  3. Boobah says:

    On the one hand, it’s my understanding HBO ordered two seasons right from the get-go, so it wasn’t exactly renewed.

    On the other hand, Warner Brothers has gutted their animation, and somehow Velma still made the cut for two seasons.

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