Louis Rossmann Dings Amazon For Canceling Customer’s Account Over False “Racist Doorbell.” Result: Amazon Cancels Rossmann’s Affiliate Account

Right-to-repair advocate, former New Yorker and current Texan Louis Rossmann did a video (and then a follow up) on a man whose Amazon smart home devices were all locked out of functioning after an Amazon delivery driver falsely accused him of having a “racist doorbell.” (The followup video covers his access being restored.) Rossmann noted that this was a good reason to never have “smart” devices in your home that third parties (like Amazon) can turn off at will.

Well, guess what? Amazon just disabled Rossmann’s 7+ year affiliate account over bogus reasons.

This is a crappy and petty move, Amazon, and only underscores why no one should entrust you with control over their “smart” devices.

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12 Responses to “Louis Rossmann Dings Amazon For Canceling Customer’s Account Over False “Racist Doorbell.” Result: Amazon Cancels Rossmann’s Affiliate Account”

  1. Meatwood Flack says:

    I don’t care who I offend if anyone, but if you have any networked or netcentric appliances in your home, you deserve everything that you have coming to you. How colossally pigheaded do you have to be to let any of these spy devices into your home? Absolute sheep behavior. Baaaaaaaaa.

  2. […] in their own blood to Pope Francis pleading for liberation of all political prisoners BattleSwarm: Louis Rossmann Dings Amazon For Canceling Customer’s Account Over False “Racist Doorbell.” Res… Behind The Black: SpaceX launches another 47 Starlink satellites into orbit, ULA launches Delta-4 […]

  3. 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    Which is why I have NEVER bought anything from Amazon.

  4. […] CORPORATE BULLY: Louis Rossmann Dings Amazon For Canceling Customer’s Account Over False “Racist Doorbell.” Res… […]

  5. Right Wing Nutter says:

    I buy stuff from Amazon, use Kindle and Audible, but will never use any of their (or Google’s) spy devices. It’s more trouble and maybe more expensive to use other video surveillance, but I don’t trust any of the Big Tech companies.

  6. Steve Skubinna says:

    I have seen many people focusing on the “but the claim was false!” aspect of the story. That is a red herring. It doesn’t matter whether the racism claim was false or not, what the hell kind of person are you if you support an entity, corporate or governmental, locking a person out of his property for any reason short of criminal activity?

    Let’s stipulate that the customer did, in fact, utter a racist slur. If you consider that justifies doing what Amazon did, you are not a good person. You certainly are not on “the right side of history.” The First Amendment is the First Amendment, period. And the bit in the Declaration about never depriving a person of his life, liberty or property without due process of law? Somebody claiming his precious fee-fees were hurt by mean words does not rise to the standard of “due process of law.”

  7. MarJen says:

    If someone has YOUR data and CAN or sell it or USE it for gain, they WILL

    Rinse and repeat

  8. […] now Louis Rossmann, a YouTube commenter, posted a video about this happening. So, doubling down, Amazon turned off his […]

  9. […] ICYMI: Louis Rossmann Dings Amazon For Canceling Customer’s Account Over False “Racist Doorbell.” Res… […]

  10. Clyde the Backstretch Handicapper says:

    Even Adama knew


  11. Matt says:

    Great point, Loius. and if they would be a coward and lie about their reasoning for canceling you, something so easily provable like this, what else are they lieing about? I would atleast have respect for a company that is honest

  12. TiffanyBlue says:

    They went to this page & decided you have the wrong politics so they are making up excuses. Take ALL the devices out of your home. It’s not worth it.

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