The Democratic Media Complex Really Hates Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

I was going to do a post rounding up the sudden spat of absolutely unhinged attacks on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who has had the unmitigated gall to actually primary Slow Joe Biden. Only to find out that Tucker Carlson had already done it for me.

Some takeaways:

  • There’s never been a candidate for president the media hated more than Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. You thought that title belonged to Donald Trump. Of course it must! But go check the coverage. Trump got a gentle scalp massage by comparison when he announced. When Trump rolled out his presidential campaign in 2015, the New York Times waited until the 17th paragraph of the story to attack him. “But as well known as he is,” the paper said at the time, “Trump is also widely disliked.” Then they cited a poll to back it up. That was the attack on Trump. Eight years later, the Times attacked Bobby Kennedy in the very first sentence of the story. Quote, “Robert F Kennedy, Jr.” the paper declared, “announced a presidential campaign on Wednesday built on relitigating covid-19 shutdowns and shaking Americans faith in science.”

  • “You’d think Bobby Kennedy just declared war on the enlightenment!”
  • “NPR devoted an entire segment to savaging Kennedy, not just as a candidate, but as a human being. NPR described him as someone who, for his own perverse reasons, has made, quote, debunked and false and misleading claims that undermine trust in vaccines, and who in his spare time provides moral support to crazed extremists.”
  • People magazine didn’t even bother to report a single word of anything Kennedy said at his announcement, and instead wrote an entire story about how his relatives hate him.” Having the entire Kennedy clan hate him would only increase my (admittedly low) estimation of him.
  • When did the Democratic Media Complex start hating him? July of 2005. “That’s the moment that Kennedy published a magazine article suggesting there might be a link between the rise in diagnosed autism cases and the ever-expending schedule of mandatory childhood vaccines.”
  • “The Pharma Lobby rolled out the most ferocious public relations campaign in memory and both [Rolling Stone and Salon] swiftly caved. Both pulled the story, and then disavowed it groveling as they did.” Both of those outlets were already on shaky ground, though neither was as bad as they become later.
  • No one in the national media bothered to explain why autism diagnoses had skyrocketed. If it wasn’t the vaccines, and maybe it wasn’t, then what was it? To this day there has not been a convincing explanation. Instead, reporters just attacked Bobby Kennedy. They’ve called him a lunatic and a Nazi. Instagram shut down his account YouTube just last week pulled down a perfectly reasonable interview he did with Jordan Peterson.

  • Speaking of which, here RFK Jr. explains to Jordan Petersen how he thinks ObamaCare got the Democratic Party in bed with Big Pharma.

    I’ve omitted a lot of Carlson providing example after example of various Democratic Media Complex personalities viciously attacking Kennedy.

    I’m no fan of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. His a lefty scumbag on many (perhaps most) issues, has more than a whiff of fringe lunacy about him, and (through no fault of his own) I find him hard to listen to, due to his spasmodic dysphonia. (Though obviously he’s much more coherent and articulate than Biden. As is the average third-grader.) And I think he’s more wrong than right on the vaccine-autism link.

    Still, the degree to which the Democratic Media Complex has thrown away even the merest pretense of dispassion about him due to his threat to either a Biden second term or the wishes of Big Pharma (to the extent those two can be disentangled) makes me more inclined to listen to him, and more readily defend his right to speak in the public space. The DNC seems hellbent on presenting any fair challenge to Biden in the Democratic primary, which makes me very curious about just what they’re so scared of…

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    8 Responses to “The Democratic Media Complex Really Hates Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.”

    1. Andy Markcyst says:

      Amen. Don’t get snookered by this out-of-nowhere lefty crackpot. I’m of the belief he’s testing the boundaries for the Ds to see just how far past the Overton Window they’ve gotten themselves, as well as the appetite for some of the more fringe ideas their base think sound good but are only emanating from conservative thinkers.

      Good ideas can only be acknowledged as good ideas by a leftist if they emanate from someone “safe”. That someone has to be on their side fundamentally, have enough platform ideas (like gun control) to establish their bona fides, acknowledge the conspiracy theories they can use to guide the conversation in that direction, and who has zero chance of winning. His name is RFK Jr.

      They know they’re far outside mainstream and keep moving further everyday. They’re looking for someone who will pay lip service to those changes but will fail to deliver on anything substantive and put the proles back to bed long enough so they can get back to clandestinely changing America’s culture permanently.

    2. Kirk says:

      Why the rise in autism? Two reasons: One, we’ve identified as an issue and we’ve “medicalized” it. Remember all the old stories about changelings…? We’ve always had these sorts with us. Human cognition is a fragile thing; all too easy to break.

      Second reason? We’re breeding for it. Time was, John the “smart guy” didn’t go out looking for his mate among his own kind; there weren’t any easily available and identifiable. He mated with who he could, which would often be the cute-but-not-too-bright Sally who worked as his maid, a telephone operator, or whatever.

      Now? We’ve got John finding Mary, in college, and she’s another of the brittle intellectual class, the ones who do really well on the tests but who have limited to no common sense. Put John and Mary together, and you get the recessive genes that helped make them what they are reinforced and away we go… Autism shows up. Should we be surprised?

      A certain amount of autism and intellect is a good thing; we get by on the intellectual efforts of only a small part of the population. The problem is, this sort of “intellect” is a brittle and often dangerous thing. Doing well on all the tests is not the ne plus ultra of human virtue or cognition; the tests are looking for and rewarding a certain sort of thinking, a certain worldview. And, I think we can safely say, looking at the world these people who “did well on the tests” have created, that it ain’t the complete answer. There’s wisdom, and that sublime quality of “common sense”, which is so vanishing rare these days as to constitute a superpower. Neither of which is readily testable in a few hours in a classroom environment; because of that, the sort of people that “do well on the tests” are becoming dominant, and when they breed with their own kind? Yeah; expect a lot of autistic types, because the sort of “intelligence” we’re selecting for isn’t all we think it is. I’m not even certain that it’s actually intelligence, given the way the majority of these people keep doing the same things, getting the same failures, and not recognizing that there’s even a problem…

    3. 370H55V I/me/mine says:

      “The DNC seems hellbent on presenting any fair challenge to Biden in the Democratic primary . . . ” I think you mean “suppressing”.

      Kirk, you are so right. I read an article about that in Wired magazine way back in 2003, focusing on the clusters of autism cases in high tech centers: Silicon Valley, Austin, Seattle, the Route 128 corridor around Boston. The advent of female computer geeks in the 90s combined with them mating and breeding with their male counterparts produced such clusters.

      if that weren’t enough, all too many of those geeks were so ostracized throughout their lives and didn’t find compatible mates until later in life. Having kids at later ages increases the odds that they might be a little off.


    4. 370H55V I/me/mine says:

      And sadly, this describes this John and Mary, who didn’t find each other until our forties. Our son, who just turned 25, is low-functioning autistic, but still the most cheerful, gentle, and affectionate child we could ever hope to have.

      I wish it could have been otherwise, but I am grateful for what we have.

    5. Howard says:

      Open question. RFK is on Epstein’s flight logs. Yet … noone brings this up. Hmm.

    6. Tig if Brue says:


      Probably because so many people are on the flight logs being on the logs matters considerably less than the length of time they’ve spent with Epstein at those destinations, or in general.

    7. kwo says:

      “NPR described him as someone who, for his own perverse reasons, has made, quote, debunked and false and misleading claims that undermine trust in vaccines, and who in his spare time provides moral support to crazed extremists.”

      For the record, NPR’s description is entirely accurate.

    8. […] consequences of Castro dictatorship’s ‘solutions’ to the energy crisis BattleSwarm: The Democratic Media Complex Really Hates Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., also, Portland Real Estate Nightmare Behind The Black: Russians launch weather satellite and 42 […]

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