Chinese Commies PianoGate: One Of Them Was A Spy

This story just gets weirder and weirder.

The Chinese commies freak out at being filmed story (and the follow-up) has a new twist that makes that helps explain the freakout: One of them was a known spy.

  • “Christine Lee she was named by the MI5 back in 2022 as an agent of influence…British Security Service issued an alert earlier this year stating that a UK-based lawyer had been engaged in political interference activities for the Chinese state.”
  • This marked a shift in approach “being taken against the security threat posed by China.”
  • “She has personally met with Xi Jinping back in Beijing.”
  • “This is a bunch of people in a conference room. This is called the political consultative conference. They invite a bunch of people living overseas back to China to get greeted by Xi Jinping for to thank them for their effort in conducting influence operations overseas.”
  • “It’s also possible that CH Lee doubles as somebody from one of the intelligence bureaus.”
  • “On the surface she’s a lawyer in the UK, and she is also a political influence campaign, specialist and also she could also be a secret agent doing something even worse.”
  • “The entire thing started because Christine Lee did not want her face to appear on camera, but she was not able to go up directly to confront Dr K [Brendan Kavanagh], being that she’s publicly known by the MI5 as an agent of influence.”
  • “I think Dr K needs to be aware that this was not just against a series of random CCP nationalists, he’s actually against a systematically planned out series of influence operations. And this, in my view,escalates the situation entirely. I think he should do something to protect himself, protect his family, and also be aware of who he dealing with. This is not a regular group of people.”
  • Meanwhile, the Chinese communists are threatening to sue Kavanagh for “defamation.”

    The story started out looking like it was just “Little Pinks” acting like assholes in another country, but the truth appears to be stranger and more sinister.

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    14 Responses to “Chinese Commies PianoGate: One Of Them Was A Spy”

    1. Malthus says:

      “This is transnational repression. They’re using Chinese Communist Party Logics and laws to try to police people in the UK.”

      I can’t imagine that the same electorate who voted for Brexit will now meekly submit to having their national sovereignty undermined by a Chinese agent of influence.

      Take careful note that the agents provocateur here are using the charge of “racism” to paralyze their critics. They instigate a confrontation and then protest that they are being singled out for persecution because of their race/national origin.

      Saul D Alinsky—The real action is in the enemy’s reaction.”

      Deportations would seem to be an appropriate response. That would provide some “real action” but Brits will have to pay a price for their seeming insensitivity.

    2. Andy Marksyst says:

      @Malthus, “Deportations would seem to be an appropriate response.”

      I prefer a much harsher, more surprising, and more clandestine response.

    3. Joshua K. says:

      This whole thing makes no sense. If someone doesn’t want to be publicly recognized as an agent working for the Chinese government in the UK, why would they walk around a busy train station/shopping center with a group of people all carrying Chinese flags?

    4. Boobah says:

      I can’t imagine that the same electorate who voted for Brexit will now meekly submit to having their national sovereignty undermined by a Chinese agent of influence.

      Why would you believe that the electorate would get a say? The political class as a whole still thinks that allowing the Brexit vote was the worst thing to happen in the past decade.

      Sunak in particular has only the flimsiest claim imaginable to any sort of democratic mandate, since the last time his party was asked who they wanted for PM they picked non-entity Liz Truss over him in what looked an awful lot like an ‘anyone but Sunak’ vote. Not only are the only people who wanted him as PM some of the other Conservative MPs, but he’s also a lame duck, since it’s all but certain Labor will win the next elections.

    5. Howard says:

      She’s either an idiot, or has never heard of the Barbara Streissand Effect. In her quest to go un-noticed, she’s brought a worldwide spotlight onto herself and her fellows.

    6. Malthus says:

      “Why would you believe that the electorate would get a say?”

      Why would you preemptively surrender to Leftist aggression? Are you a country club Republican?

    7. Malthus says:

      “I prefer a much harsher, more surprising, and more clandestine response.”

      You are getting out over your skis. Aim small; miss small.

      Deportation would have enormous diplomatic repercussions. If the CCP honestly believed their spies would be publicly humiliated, they would preemptively recall them so as to save face.

      This is how you get commies to back down but it comes with political risk.

    8. Malthus says:

      “[W]hy would they walk around a busy train station/shopping center with a group of people all carrying Chinese flags?”

      Two little words: agents provocateur. It’s a propaganda effort. Remember, “There is no such thing as bad publicity” so the larger the audience, the greater the effect.

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    10. Boobah says:


      There’s a difference between what I think is likely and what I think ought to happen.

      We’re discussing a nation governed by a man who wasn’t elected, and likely never will be. It’s a nation where the police prefer to troll social media to arrest citizens for ‘non-crime hate incidents’ rather than arrest rape gangs because the gangs are mostly Pakistani and they don’t want someone to think they’re racist. It’s a nation where, when a part-time volunteer police officer was caught on camera demanding a citizen not sing hymns outside of church, the police response was, rather than realize the idea of part-time volunteer police is something to avoid because even the real police have trouble getting it right, to demand that social media stop hurting the censorious thug’s feelings by suggesting that she did something wrong.

      So while it would be a good thing if the piano incident was the straw that finally led to the British public saving itself, I don’t believe it will happen. I’m not sure that anything can, but I would love to be proven wrong. But it’s not my monkey nor my circus; I can’t surrender something that was never mine.

    11. Malthus says:

      You show me several examples of police malfeasance; I show you the example of Brexit. Which carries more weight?

      The English have a long tradition of political independence, which Churchill praised as “splendid isolation”. Their foundations of freedom could use a little renovation and repair but they are not irrecoverable.

    12. Malthus says:

      “But it’s not my monkey nor my circus; I can’t surrender something that was never mine.”

      Surrender monkeys all fit neatly inside the same clown circus.

      England is the mother country. What happens there does not stay there; it travels abroad: USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, et. al. Liberty is indivisible. If you would protect your own you must defend those who are likewise threatened.

    13. Hairless Joe says:

      “…One Of Them Was A Spy…” As a general rule, it is best to assume that any Chinese national in the US is a spy. In China, if you’re not willing to spy for the State, you’re probably in jail.

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