Posts Tagged ‘.577 Tyrannosaur’

Kentucky Ballistics + Slow Mo Guys + Big Guns = Cool Footage

Monday, July 10th, 2023

In a follow-up to both Saturday’s 4 Bore rifle video and high-speed footage of gun destruction, both Kentucky Ballistics and The Slow-Mo Guys are back with another video, this time shooting really big guns.

How big? Up to a .577 Tyrannosaur.

Points of interest:

  • The recoil shockwave of the .577 Tyrannosaur visibly travels through one of the Slow Mo Guys’ back muscles. It really emphasis the felt recoil of that monster.
  • At 82,000 frames a second, you can see a flash of light from bullet impact as it enters the ballistics gel. They talk about naming this “The Kentucky Effect.”
  • The bullet sucks the fireball from the initial shot in, then the collapsing cavitation of the gel reignites the gases.
  • Plus the usual exploding nacho cheese cans

    Firing Ridiculously Large Caliber Guns

    Sunday, August 4th, 2013

    So Ace of Spades linked to this video of someone firing the .950 JDJ, the largest caliber center fire rifle ever made:

    As someone with an irrational* desire to own something chambered in .50 BMG, it got me thinking: what other videos of people firing ridiculously large caliber guns are there out on the Internet?

    I found some. (NSFW language in many of these.)

    How about .577 Tyrannosaur?

    .585 Nyati:

    .600 Nitro Express pistol:

    .600 Overkill:

    20mm rifle:

    And here’s the top loading version of the 20mm, in case you’re being attacked by multiple tanks at once:

    And here’s the recoilless version of the 20mm rifle:

    I think the technical word for that is “bazooka.”

    And here’s the recreation of a one-mile kill shot with a Barrett M82A3 .50 BMG:

    *Irrational in that the use case for such a gun starts to get into things like “Well, I’ve already killed several of the drug lord henchmen attacking my house, now I need to put a round through their engine block to keep the rest from escaping!”